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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/18/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/18/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Agrost. Bras. 276. 1829.
Synonym Panicum hymenachne Desv. Opusc. 82. 1831. Agrostis mcnostachya Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 1:256. 1810. Panicum amplexicaule Rudge, PI. Guian. 1:21. pl. 27. 1805.
Description Coarse aquatic perennial; culms succulent, slender or usually rather thick, sparingly branching, glabrous, the base creeping, rooting at the nodes, 1-2 m. long, or even longer; sheaths usually shorter than the internodes, glabrous or sometimes ciliate on the margins; blades commonly 15-35 cm. long, 1.5-3 cm. wide, or smaller on some of the branches, acuminate, gradually narrowed from the cordate- clasping base, the margins scabrous, more or less papillose-hispid-ciliate at the base; panicles 20-50 cm. long, sometimes shorter, 8-15 mm. thick, dense, spike-like, the lower branches often distant; spikelets 3-4 mm. long, acuminate, the second glume and sterile lemma rather prominently scabrous on the nerves, the lemma often awn-pointed.
Distribution Swamps, ditches, and margins of rivers, lakes, and streams, sometimes in water 3-4 feet deep. Tropics of both hemispheres; southern Mexico and the West Indies to Argentina.
Specimen cocLE: Aguadulce, Pittier 4908. CANAL ZONE: Gatu'n, Hitchcock 8030; Juan Mina, Killip 4167; Barro Colorado Island, Standley 2I465; D. H. Popenoe 45. DARIEN: Sambu' River, Pittier 5530.
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