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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/16/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/16/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Comm. Linhas Telegr. Estrat. Matto Grosso 67:45. 1922.
Synonym Paspalus scoparius Fliugge, Monogr. Pasp. 124. 1810. Paspalum iridifolium Poepp. Reise 2:324. 1836. Panicum giganteum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. P1. 33:360. 1898. Anthaenantia gigantea Schum. in Just's Bot. Jahresb. 261:329. 1900. Paspalum faurnierianum var. maximum Thellung, Mem. Soc. Sci. (Nat.) Neuchatel 5:344.1913. Paspalum tripinnatum Mez, Repert. Sp. Nov. (Fedde) 15:64. 1917.
Description Stout, stoloniferous perennial; culms mostly 1-2 m. high, erect, glabrous, or the nodes sometimes pubescent; sheaths mostly longer than the internodes, com- pressed, glabrous or sometimes pilose on the collar and margins; blades 20-60 cm. long, mostly 1-3 cm. wide, flat, glabrous, or rarely pubescent; inflorescence as much as 40 cm. long, composed of few to many ascending racemes 8-16 cm. long; spikelets 3 mm. long, glabrous or sparsely pilose, usually purple-tinged, the second glume and sterile lemma rather strongly nerved.
Distribution Hillsides and savannas, Central America to Brazil and Bolivia.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: Cerro Vaca, Pittier 5369.
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