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Literature Based Distribution
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Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
BoliviaHitchcock, A. S.1927The grasses of Ecuador, Peru, and BoliviaContr. U.S. Natl. Herb.24(8): 291–556
BoliviaFoster, R. C.1958A catalogue of the ferns and flowering plants of BoliviaContr. Gray Herb.184: 1–223
EcuadorHitchcock, A. S.1927The grasses of Ecuador, Peru, and BoliviaContr. U.S. Natl. Herb.24(8): 291–556
HondurasOcotepequeNelson, C. H.1976Algunas plantas del Departamento de Ocotepeque, HondurasCeiba20(1): 27–41
MadagascarCandolle, R. É. A. de1901Plantae Madagascarienses ab Alberto Mocquerysio lectaeBull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2,1(6): 549–587
MexicoSousa Sánchez, M. & E. F. Cabrera Cano1983Flora de Quintana RooListados Floríst. México2: 1–100
MexicoQuintana RooSousa Sánchez, M. & E. F. Cabrera Cano1983Flora de Quintana RooListados Floríst. México2: 1–100
PeruHitchcock, A. S.1927The grasses of Ecuador, Peru, and BoliviaContr. U.S. Natl. Herb.24(8): 291–556
PeruLimaHitchcock, A. S.1927The grasses of Ecuador, Peru, and BoliviaContr. U.S. Natl. Herb.24(8): 291–556
VenezuelaPittier, H., T. Lasser, L. Schnee, Z. Luces de Febres & V. M. Badillo Franceri1945Gramineae, IN: Catalogo de la Flora VenezolanaConf. Interamer. Agricultura, Caracas1: 75–119
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