Rhizomatous perennial; culms up to 60 cm high, slender, erect. Leaf-blades linear, up to 17 cm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, flat or setaceously convolute, smooth and glabrous; ligule cylindrical, 35-5 mm long, unequally 2-toothed; sheaths smooth and glabrous. Panicle up to 15 cm long, lax, simple or sparingly branched, the spikelets distant and secund. Spikelets becoming broadly ovate, 7-8 mm long, with 3 fertile florets separated by internodes each about 2 mm long; glumes broadly elliptic, subacute, broadly hyaline on the margins and at the tip, the lower 5.5 mm long, the upper 6-65 mm long; lemma of fertile floret elliptic-oblong, 5-5.5 mm long, obtuse or subacute, strongly 7-nerved, scaberulous and hairless.