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Ichnanthus procurrens var. subaequiglumis (Hack.) T. Killeen & Kirpes Search in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font



Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/6/2013)
Subspecific Ichnanthus procurrens var. subaequiglume (Hackel) Killeen & Kirpes
Synonym Panicum procurrens var. subaequiglume Hackel in E. Ekman, Ark. Bot. 13: 30. 1933. TYPE: Brazil. Capao Grande, 22 Mar. 1904, Dusen 3992a (lectotype, designated by Stieber (1987), W; isolectotype, US; syntype (Stieber, 1987), Brazil, Parana, Rio Tibagy, 17 Jan. 1909, Dusen 7537, US).
Distribution Brazil
Description Culms 60-120 cm long, middle internodes 1.2- 2.0 mm diam.; leaf blades ovate-lanceolate to lan- ceolate (length: width ratio 3.1-11.5: 1). Panicles 80-150(-163) mm long; racemes (7-)10-28; paired spikelets separated by internodes (2-)4-8 mm long, pedicels unequal, 1-2.5 mm and 3-7 mm long; spikelets 3.5-4.0(-4.5) mm long, lower glume sub- equal to or surpassing the other spikelet bracts; apex of upper glume and lower lemma blunt to acute; upper floret 2.5-3.0 mm long.
Specimen ARGENTINA. COR- RIENTES: Santo Tom6, Estado Garruchos, 12 Feb. 1960, Pedersen 5419 (MO); Itazaingo, Ruta 12, 4 km from provincial boundary, 20 Jan. 1975, Pedersen 10685
Distribution ARGENTINA
Specimen (MO); 5 km E de Gobernador Virasoro, 13 Apr. 1985, Zuloaga et al. 2330 (MO). MISIONES: Posadas, Santa In6s, 4 Feb. 1922, Parodi 4539 (US); Concepci6n, 28 Jan. 1926, Parodi 6942 (US); San Ignacio, 14 Feb. 1946, Montes 1921 (F, MO, US); Candelaria, Loreto, 25 Feb. 1946, Montes 1942 (MO); Cainguas, 270 m, 13 Mar. 1958, Montes 27639 (F, MO, NY, US). BRAZIL. GOIAS: Annapolis, 1,000 m, 18 Mar. 1930, Chase 11384 (MO, US), Chase 11386 (MO, US); Santa Rita do Par- anahyba, 500 m, 31 Mar. 1930, Chase 11665 (US); 12 Apr. 1930, Chase 11981 (US), Chase 11989 (US). MATO GROSSO: between Rondonopolis and Sao Lourenco, 9 Apr. 1930, Chase 11928 (US). MATO GROSSO DO SUL: Campo Grande, 540 m, 7 Feb. 1930, Chase 10783 (F, MO, NY, US); Aquiduana, 181 m, 26 Feb. 1930, Chase 11047 (US). MINAS GERAIS: Ituitaba, Pilloeos, 20 Jan. 1957, Macedo 4879 (US). PARANA: Munic. Balsa Nova, Rio Papagaios, BR-277, 14 Jan. 1981, Hatschbach 43500 (US); Serrinha, 2 Mar. 1916, Dusen 17677 (F, MO); Vila Velha, Ponta Gossa, 10 Jan. 1977, Dombrowski 6901 (US); 13 km NE of Atuba, near Curitiba, 890 m, 9 Mar. 1976, Davidse et al. 10962 (MO). RIO GRANDE DO SUL: Sao Francisco, Vila Oliva, 28 Dec. 1945, Rambo 30734 (US). SANTA CATARINA: Morro do Pinheiro, 1,000 m, 4 Feb. 1963, Reitz 6615 (NY); Campos Novos, 800- 900 m, 9 Feb. 1957, Smith & Klein 11908 (NY). PARAGUAY. Ypacarai, Hassler/Lam 12461 (F, MO, NY, US); Misiones, San Ignacio, 16 Feb. 1950, Rosengurtt 5789 (F); Estado La Soledad, 3 km S de Santiago, 3 Feb. 1988, Schinini & Vanni 26086 (MO); Cordillera de Altos, Fiebrig 961 (F); Amambay, parque nacional Cerro Cora, NE of Park headquarters, 10 Feb. 1982, Solomon et al. 6852 (MO); "In regione cursus superioris fluminis Apa," 1902, Hassler/Lam 8383 (NY).
Note Flowering from January to March. Occurring in cerrado and other well-drained savanna formations in northeastern Argentina, Paraguay, and southern Brazil (Fig. 2). This taxon intergrades with L. pro- currens var. procurrens for several characters (Fig. 1, Table 1). The leaf blade anatomy of this taxon is most similar to I. annuus (Kirpes et al., in prep.), and populations in Mato Grosso have ovate leaf blades like those found in the annual species. The inflorescence morphology is similar to I. camporum, and Swallen (1964) suggested that two specimens from Goias (Chase 11384 and Chase 11386; see arrow, Fig. 1) may be the result of hybridization between I. procurrens and I. camporum.
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