Accepted By:
Kellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven. 2020. Checklist of the grasses of India. PhytoKeys 163: 1–560.
Kumar, M. 1995. A re-investigation on the taxonomy of the genus Ochlandra Thw. (Poaceae-Bambusoideae). Rheedea 5(1): 63–89.
Vorontsova, M. S., L. G. Clark, J. Dransfield, R. H. A. Govaerts & W. J. Baker. 2016. World Checkl. Bamboos Rattans Techn. Rep. 37: [i–vi] 1–454.
Turner, I. M. 2013. Robinson a century on: the nomenclatural relevance of Roxburgh's Hortus Bengalensis. Taxon 62(1): 152–172.
Turner, I. M. 2012. (2105-2106) Proposals to conserve the name Bambusa baccifera (Melocanna baccifera) (Gramineae) and Calamus latifolius (Palmae) with conserved types. Taxon 61(6): 1325–1326.