Accepted By:
Scoggan, H. J. 1978. Dicotyledoneae (Saururaceae to Violaceae). 3: 547–1115. In Fl. Canada. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa.
Voss, E. G. 1985. Michigan Flora. Part II Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). Bull. Cranbrook Inst. Sci. 59. xix + 724.
Applequist, W. L. 2014. Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants: 66. Taxon 63(6): 1358–1371.
Tikhomirov, V. N. 2013. (2240) Proposal to conserve the name Polygala vulgaris (Polygalaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 62(6): 1339–1340.
Wilson, K. L. 2016. Report of the General Committee: 15. Taxon 65(5): 1150–1151.