2. Anagallis minima (L.) E.H.L. Krause (chaffweed)
Centunculus minimus L.
Pl. 508 a, b;
Map 2318
Stems 5–14 cm
long, spreading with ascending tips, rooting at the nodes, often forming mats,
more or less circular in cross-section, not winged, glabrous. Leaves mostly
alternate. Leaf blades 4–10 mm long, 2–4 mm wide, oblong to obovate. Flowers
sessile or the stalks 0.5–1.0 mm long. Calyces deeply 4(5)-lobed, the lobes 2–3
mm long. Corollas deeply 4(5)-lobed, 1–2 mm long, more or less saucer-shaped, the
lobes broadly lanceolate, light pink, becoming erect after flowering, the
corolla withering but persistent as a cap at fruiting. Stamens 4(5), the
filaments fused to the corolla for about half their length, glabrous, the
anthers yellow. Ovary globose, with numerous seeds, the style 0.4–0.6 mm long.
Fruits 1.5–2.5 mm long, more or less globose, yellowish brown to straw-colored.
Seeds numerous, angular, the surface pitted, dark brown. 2n=22.
mostly south of the Missouri River (nearly worldwide). Glades, openings of dry
upland forests, savannas, rocky portions of upland prairies, banks of streams
and rivers, bottomland prairies, margins of ponds, and fens; also fallow
fields, old fields, roadsides, and open disturbed areas.
This species is
often treated in the segreagate genus Centunculus L., which is separated
from Anagallis by the alternate leaves and stamens fused to the minute
corollas. Molecular studies have not entirely resolved resolved which placement
is more appropriate (Martins et al., 2003; Manns and Anderberg, 2005).