Perennial 5-9 cm tall. Rhizome very slender, root-like producing ascending-erect aerial shoots, nodes few. Leaves orbicular to broad ovate-obtuse, 11-18 x 11-20 mm, crenate-serrulate, base rounded or attenuate, lower surface pale. Petiole 5-11 mm long. Scape 30-80 mm long, slender, 1-flowered, glabrous. Floral bract ovate-oblong, 3-5 mm long, ± naviculate, minutely ciliolate. Flowers 17-19 mm broad. Sepals imbricate, orbicular-oblong, 3-3.3 x 2-2.2 mm, minutely ciliolate. Petals spreading, broad ovate-obtuse, 7-9 x 5-7 mm, ciliolate. Filaments 6 mm long; anthers orbicular-oblong, 1.5 mm long, pores at the end of 2 broad and slightly curved tubes. Ovary 5-lobed, globose-depressed, c. 4.5 mm broad; style erect, 5 mm long, stout; stigma 5-homed. Capsule not seen.