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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/19/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/19/2013)
Species Lacunaria colonensis D'Arcy
Note TYPE: Panama, Mori & Crosby 6314 (MO, holotype; PMA, P, isotypes).
Description Tree 9 m tall, 15 cm d.b.h.; twigs terete, drying orange brown, scurfy with microscopic trichomes, soon green; stipules linear, 5-6 mm long, drying reddish, glandular. Leaves simple, entire, ovate or obovate, apically acuminate, basally acuminate, basally acute or acuminate, the lateral venation slightly arcuate, par- allel, impressed above, elevated beneath, minor venation obscure, under a lens seen to be irregularly whorled, glabrous, slightly discolorous with a velvety sheen; petioles slender, ca. 1 mm long, scurfy puberulent beneath, 12-18 cm long, 4-6 cm wide; stipules not seen. Inflorescences of solitary flowers or dichasia in the leaf axils, appearing fasciculate; bracts minute, subulate or cuculate, minutely puberulent, subtending the pedicels; obsolete bracteoles present, seemingly half- way up the pedicels, these bearing a few greatly reduced trichomes. Flowers with sepals 4, narrowly obtuse to rounded, persistent, glabrous; petals 4, ca. 3 mm long, rounded, overtopping the stamens in bud; stamens numerous, ca. 43, the filaments drying reddish brown, ca. 1 mm long, the anthers drying white, 4-the- cate, 2 of these somewhat reduced; ovary globose, longitudinally striate, the styles 3, ca. 2 mm long.
Habit Tree
Note This species resembles material from Peru and Brazil that goes under the name L. minor Ducke, but the inflorescence is much more contracted and much less pubescent. The material referred to as passing for L. minor does not accord well with Ducke's description, however, and is perhaps wrongly determined. Lacunaria colonensis is strikingly different from the other Panamanian species in its inflorescence.
Distribution known only from Colon Province, Panama.
Specimen COL6N: Salud, 20 m, Howell 149 (MO). Santa Rita Ridge trail, 17-35 km from Boyd Roosevelt Highway, 400-800 m, Mori & Crosby 6314 (MO, PMA, P).
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