Aster subspicatus Nees | Allred, K. W. & F. W. Gould. 1983. Systematics of the Bothriochloa saccharoides complex (Poaceae: Andropogoneae). Syst. Bot. 8(2): 168–184. | 84-85 | 24, 48 | 64, c.80, 96 |
Aster subspicatus Nees | Semple, J. C. 1985. Chromosome number determinations in fam. Compositae tribe Astereae. Rhodora 87: 517–527. | 84-85 | | 48 |
Aster subspicatus Nees | Chinnappa, C. C. & J. G. Chmielewski. 1987. Documented plant chromosome numbers 1987: 1. Miscellaneous counts from western North America. Sida 12: 409–417. | 86-87 | | 48, 90 |
Aster subspicatus Nees | Semple, J. C. 1983. Range expansion of Heterotheca camporum (Compositae: Asteraceae) in the southeastern United States. Brittonia 35(2): 140–146. | 82-83 | | 48, ca.60, 64, ca.90 |
Aster subspicatus Nees | Brouillet, L. 1983. Nombres chromosomiques chez les Aster du groupe Heterophylli (Asteraceae-Astereae). Naturaliste Canad. 110: 171–178. | 82-83 | | 48, 64 |
Aster subspicatus Nees | Dean, M. L. & K. L. Chambers. 1983. Chromosome numbers and evolutionary patterns in the Aster occidentalis (Asteraceae) polyploid complex of western North America. Brittonia 35: 189–196. | 82-83 | 24II, 32II, ca.48II | |
Aster subspicatus Nees | Jones, A. G. 1980. Data on chromosome numbers in Aster (Asteraceae) with comments on the status and relationships of certain North American species. Brittonia 32(2): 240–261. | 79-81 | 24II,32II,ca.48II | 48,64 |
Aster subspicatus Nees | Keil, D. J. & D. J. Pinkava. 1976. Chromosome counts and taxonomic notes for Compositae from the United States and Mexico. Amer. J. Bot. 63: 1393–1403. | 75-78 | 25 | |