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Published In: Archiv für die Botanik (Leipzig) 1(2): 1. 1797. (Arch. Bot. (Leipzig)) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/11/2017)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 7/9/2009)
Status : Introduced


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3. Crepis setosa Haller f. (bristly hawksbeard)

Pl. 255 f, g; Map 1064

Plants annual. Stems 8–50(–80) cm long, erect to loosely ascending, unbranched or few-branched, not sticky, moderately to densely pubescent with stiff, spreading, straw-colored, bristlelike, nonglandular hairs (these mostly with a somewhat flattened, broad base), usually also with inconspicuous, cobwebby to woolly hairs toward the tip. Basal leaves 3–30 cm long, sessile to short-petiolate, the blade unlobed or more commonly coarsely toothed to irregularly pinnately lobed, the lobes spreading or slightly curved toward the leaf base, narrow to broad, mostly sharply triangular, the surfaces and margins moderately to densely pubescent with fine, bristlelike hairs, the midvein often also with flattened, stiff, bristlelike hairs. Inflorescences appearing paniculate or sometimes relatively few-flowered, the heads sometimes appearing in loose clusters at the branch tips. Inner series of involucral bracts 12–16, 6–8 mm long, appressed-hairy toward the tip on the inner surface, the outer surface with a row of flattened, stiff, bristlelike hairs, also cobwebby- to woolly-hairy, the outer series of bracts much shorter than to about 1/2 as long as the inner series. Receptacle with minute hairs around the base of each floret. Ligulate florets 10–25, the corolla 6–10 mm long. Pappus 3–4 mm long. Fruits all similar or nearly so, with the body 2–4 mm long, narrowly oblong-elliptic in outline, tapered to a slender beak 1–2 mm long, the pappus attached to an expanded, disclike or concave tip, 10(–12)-ribbed, the ribs minutely roughened or barbed, light brown to yellowish brown. 2n=8. June–August.

Introduced, uncommon and sporadic (native of Europe; introduced sporadically in the U.S., Canada). Crop fields, lawns, and open, disturbed areas.

Several subspecies are sometimes segregated in the European literature, but their application to North American plants is not clear.



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