2. Achillea ptarmica L. (sneezewort, sneezeweed)
Map 938
Plants with
short to often relatively long rhizomes. Stems 20–70 cm long, sometimes
with short, leafy branches in the leaf axils (these often appearing as
fascicles of leaves), sparsely to densely pubescent with white, woolly to
cobwebby hairs, sometimes nearly glabrous toward the base at maturity. Leaves
sessile. Leaf blades 1–10 cm long, linear to narrowly lanceolate,
unlobed, sharply pointed at the tip, the margins sharply but minutely toothed or
rarely nearly entire, glabrous or sparsely to moderately pubescent with short,
straight to incurved hairs, the venation of 1 raised midvein and also usually 1
or 2 pairs of nearly parallel, somewhat thinner main veins. Inflorescences
usually relatively flat-topped. Involucre 4–5 mm long, broadly
cup-shaped to hemispherical. Receptacle slightly to moderately convex. Ray
florets 8–10(–12) (or more in doubled forms), the corolla
3–5 mm long (to 7 mm in doubled forms), sometimes appearing pebbled or
roughened, occasionally with minute, impressed, yellow glands, white. Disc
florets perfect, numerous (or few in doubled forms), the corolla
2.5–4.0 mm long, usually with sparse, minute, impressed, yellow glands,
white to grayish white. 2n=18. June–September.
known thus far only from a historical collection from Phelps County (native of Europe, Asia; introduced widely but sporadically in the northern U.S. and Canada). Roadsides.
This species is
cultivated as an ornamental and several cultivars exist, including forms in
which most of the disc florets have been transformed into rays. Gleason and
Cronquist (1991) and some earlier authors included Missouri in the range of A.
ptarmica, but Steyermark (1963) excluded it from the Missouri flora, based
upon his finding that historical specimens collected in the city of St. Louis
by Earl Sherff originated from cultivated rather than escaped plants. Thus, the
species is not mapped from the St. Louis area, but a specimen collected by John
Kellogg that was overlooked by Steyermark from a roadside near Rolla justifies
the inclusion of A. ptarmica in the flora.