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Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
BelizeNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
CanadaAnonymous1986(none)List-Based Rec., Soil Conserv. Serv., U.S.D.A. 
CanadaGleason, H. A.1968The Sympetalous DicotyledoneaeIll. Fl. N.E. U.S.vol. 3. 596 pp
CanadaNew BrunswickGleason, H. A.1968The Sympetalous DicotyledoneaeIll. Fl. N.E. U.S.vol. 3. 596 pp
CaribbeanNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
ChinaGuizhouFlora of China Editorial Committee1988-2013Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum)Fl. ChinaUnpaginated
ChinaTaiwanFlora of China Editorial Committee1988-2013Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum)Fl. ChinaUnpaginated
ChinaYunnanFlora of China Editorial Committee1988-2013Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum)Fl. ChinaUnpaginated
ChinaZhejiangFlora of China Editorial Committee1988-2013Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum)Fl. ChinaUnpaginated
Costa RicaNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
EcuadorJørgensen, P. M. & C. Ulloa Ulloa1994Seed plants of the high Andes of Ecuador—A checklistAAU Rep.34: 1–443
EcuadorAzuayJørgensen, P. M. & C. Ulloa Ulloa1994Seed plants of the high Andes of Ecuador—A checklistAAU Rep.34: 1–443
EcuadorImbaburaJørgensen, P. M. & C. Ulloa Ulloa1994Seed plants of the high Andes of Ecuador—A checklistAAU Rep.34: 1–443
GuatemalaNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaAlta VerapazNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaBaja VerapazNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaChimaltenangoNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaChiquimulaNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaEscuintlaNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaGuatemalaNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaHuehuetenangoNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaJalapaNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaJutiapaNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaPeténNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaQuetzaltenangoNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaSacatepéquezNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaSan MarcosNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaSololáNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
GuatemalaZacapaNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
HondurasMolina R., A.1975Enumeración de las plantas de HondurasCeiba19(1): 1–118
HondurasNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
JapanFlora of China Editorial Committee1988-2013Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum)Fl. ChinaUnpaginated
MexicoSousa Sánchez, M. & E. F. Cabrera Cano1983Flora de Quintana RooListados Floríst. México2: 1–100
MexicoBreedlove, D.E.1986Flora de ChiapasListados Floríst. México4: i–v, 1–246
MexicoNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
MexicoCampecheMartínez Salas, E. M., M. Sousa Sánchez & C. H. Ramos Álvarez2001Región de Calakmul, CampecheListados Floríst. México22: 1–55
MexicoChiapasBreedlove, D.E.1986Flora de ChiapasListados Floríst. México4: i–v, 1–246
MexicoQuintana RooSousa Sánchez, M. & E. F. Cabrera Cano1983Flora de Quintana RooListados Floríst. México2: 1–100
MexicoTabascoPérez J., L. A., M. Sousa Sánchez, A. M. Hanan-Alipi, F. Chiang Cabrera & P. Tenorio L.2005Vegetación terrestreBiodivers. TabascoCap. 4: 65–110
MexicoTabascoNovelo Retana, A. & L. Ramos Ventura2005Vegetación acuáticaBiodivers. Tabasco(Cap. 5): 111–144
MexicoVeracruzIbarra Manríquez, G. & S. Sinaca Colín1995Lista florística comentada de la estación de biología tropical "Los Tuxtlas", Veracruz, Mexico.Revista Biol. Trop.43(1–3): 75–115
NicaraguaNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
United StatesRadford, A. E., H. E. Ahles & C. R. Bell1968(none)Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinasi–lxi, 1–1183
United StatesAnonymous1986(none)List-Based Rec., Soil Conserv. Serv., U.S.D.A. 
United StatesSmall, J. K.1933(none)Man. S.E. Fl.i–xxii, 1–1554
United StatesGleason, H. A.1968The Sympetalous DicotyledoneaeIll. Fl. N.E. U.S.vol. 3. 596 pp
United StatesGodfrey, R. K. & J. W. Wooten1981(none)Aquatic Wetland Pl. S.E. U.S. Dicot.1–944
United StatesNash, D. L.1976Tribe III, Astereae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XIIFieldiana, Bot.24(12): 128–164, 483–495
United StatesSPECIMEN BASED RECORD Published protolog data  
United StatesAlabamaSmall, J. K.1933(none)Man. S.E. Fl.i–xxii, 1–1554
United StatesAlabamaGleason, H. A.1968The Sympetalous DicotyledoneaeIll. Fl. N.E. U.S.vol. 3. 596 pp
United StatesCaliforniaGodfrey, R. K. & J. W. Wooten1981(none)Aquatic Wetland Pl. S.E. U.S. Dicot.1–944
United StatesFloridaRadford, A. E., H. E. Ahles & C. R. Bell1968(none)Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinasi–lxi, 1–1183
United StatesFloridaSmall, J. K.1933(none)Man. S.E. Fl.i–xxii, 1–1554
United StatesFloridaGleason, H. A.1968The Sympetalous DicotyledoneaeIll. Fl. N.E. U.S.vol. 3. 596 pp
United StatesFloridaGodfrey, R. K. & J. W. Wooten1981(none)Aquatic Wetland Pl. S.E. U.S. Dicot.1–944
United StatesKansasGodfrey, R. K. & J. W. Wooten1981(none)Aquatic Wetland Pl. S.E. U.S. Dicot.1–944
United StatesMaineGleason, H. A.1968The Sympetalous DicotyledoneaeIll. Fl. N.E. U.S.vol. 3. 596 pp
United StatesMaineGodfrey, R. K. & J. W. Wooten1981(none)Aquatic Wetland Pl. S.E. U.S. Dicot.1–944
United StatesMichiganGleason, H. A.1968The Sympetalous DicotyledoneaeIll. Fl. N.E. U.S.vol. 3. 596 pp
United StatesMissouriGodfrey, R. K. & J. W. Wooten1981(none)Aquatic Wetland Pl. S.E. U.S. Dicot.1–944
United StatesNew HampshireSmall, J. K.1933(none)Man. S.E. Fl.i–xxii, 1–1554
United StatesNew HampshireGleason, H. A.1968The Sympetalous DicotyledoneaeIll. Fl. N.E. U.S.vol. 3. 596 pp
United StatesNew YorkGleason, H. A.1968The Sympetalous DicotyledoneaeIll. Fl. N.E. U.S.vol. 3. 596 pp
United StatesNorth CarolinaRadford, A. E., H. E. Ahles & C. R. Bell1968(none)Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinasi–lxi, 1–1183
United StatesSouth CarolinaRadford, A. E., H. E. Ahles & C. R. Bell1968(none)Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinasi–lxi, 1–1183
VenezuelaLaraHokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber2008(none)Nuevo Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venez.1–859
VenezuelaMirandaHokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber2008(none)Nuevo Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venez.1–859
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