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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/6/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 6/6/2013)
Species Conyza chilensis Spreng
PlaceOfPublication Novi Prov. Hort. Acad. Hal. 14. 1818.
Note TYPE: Chile, Chamisso (not seen).
Synonym Conyza myosotifolia H.B.K., Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 4: 69. 1820, fide Cuatrecasas, Webbia 24: 209. 1969. Erigeron chilensis (Spreng.) G. Don in Loud., Hort. Brit. 343. 1830. Conyza arabidifolia Remy in Gay, Fl. Chil. 4: 76. 1849. TYPE: Chile, Gay (NY ex P). Conyza yungasensis Rusby, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 3: 55. 1893. TYPE: Bolivia, Bang 202 (MO). Conyza catharinensis Cabr., Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 7: 191, tab. 3. 1959. TYPE: Brasil, Smith & Klein 7487 (LP, not seen). Cabrera's plate shows a damaged plant of C. chilensis.
Description Coarse erect, little branched ephemeral or short-lived perennial herb to 60 cm tall; roots fibrous and sturdy; stems to 6 mm thick at the base, puberulent to tomentose with spreading hairs, scabrous in the lower portion. Basal and lower leaves obovate to oblanceolate, to 12(-20) cm long, the basal portion cuneate and somewhat clasping the stem, the apical portion coarsely crenate, scabrous on both sides with short, sharp, stout-based hairs, the midvein prominent, the upper leaves becoming fewer and smaller, oblanceolate, oblong to linear, sessile and somewhat clasping at the base, mostly entire, mucronulate. Inflorescence terminal with few or many florets in a compact panicle or corymb; bracts linear, to 9 mm, inconspicuous; pedicels short, stout, tomentose. Heads relatively large, disciform with many florets; involucral bracts imbricate in several unequal series, the longest 7-8 mm long, stiff, the grey-green midvein with a prominent median groove flanked by stramineous, indurate ribs and a narrow hyaline margin, apically narrowly acute, dorsally scabrous with copious stiff, straight, ascending or loosely spreading hairs; receptacle flat, 4-6 mm across, brownish, conspicuously muricate; outer florets numerous, the corolla white, capillary, 5-6 mm long and slightly exceeding the involucre, glabrous or sparingly pubescent, apically dentate, usually without a distinct ligule, the style branches glandular, linear but slightly flattened with a median dorsal groove; inner florets fewer, yellowish or brownish, 5-6 mm long and slightly exceeding the outer florets, slightly differentiated into tube and limb about halfway up the corolla, the limb pubescent with long ascending hairs and the upper portion angled, the anthers ca. 1.5 mm long, basally obtuse, apically with narrow appendages; the style branches flattened with thickened and slightly inrolled margins, copiously glandular-pilose dorsally and on the short-deltoid appendages. Achene compressed, slightly thickened at the margins by two veins, pubescent, especially towards the base; pappus of fine strigulose bristles in 1 or 2 series, the inner series as long as the inner florets, slightly longer than the outer florets, the outer series when presnt of a few bristles much shorter than the achene.
Habit herb
Note This species is distinct from other Panamanian elements in its strict, erect habit, its strigose foliage and involucres, and in its large florets. As in C. bonariensis, the outer florets are apically dentate without distinct ligules.
Distribution collected in Panama only in the Chiriqui mountains. It is widespread in the uplands of tropical America, ranging from Mexico to Argentina and Venezuela.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: Potrero, Boquete, 3800 ft, Davidson 648 (MO). SW slopes of mts. just E of Chica, King 5265A (US). Near El Hato de Volcan, King 5302 (US). Between Cerro Vaca and Hato del Horo, Chiriqui, 850-1100 mn, Pittier 5397 (US). Near Boquete, 1200-1500 m, Woodson & Schery 778 (MO).
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