(Last Modified On 6/19/2013)
(Last Modified On 6/19/2013)
Emilia coccinea (Sims) Sweet
Hort. Brit., ed. 3. 382. 1839.
Cacalia sagittata Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3: 91. 1794, nom. illeg., Hieracium javanicum N. Burm. (1768) included in synonymy. Cacalia coccinea Sims, Bot. Mag., tab. 564. 1802. TYPE: not seen. Emilia sagittata (Vahl) DC., Prodr. 6: 302. 1837.
Erect, seasonal herb, 1-5 dm tall, glabrous to lightly pilose; taproot present. Leaves alternate, the middle and lower cauline leaves ovate to oblanceolate in outline, but variously toothed or lobed to subentire, the teeth callose-tipped, the uppermost leaves reduced to bracts. Inflorescence of 1 to several loose, few- headed, corymbiform cymes, arising terminally or laterally in the axils of the upper leaves. Heads discoid, urceolate to turbinate, robust, ca. 1'/2 times longer than wide, the florets prominently exserted to about ? their length beyond the involucre; involucral bracts ca. 13, linear, 6-9 mm long; receptacle flat to convex; florets with corollas scarlet to red-orange or orange. Achene brown to reddish-tan, narrowly rapiform, 3-4 mm long, minutely pubescent along the 10 ribs; pappus of abundant white capillary hairs. Chromosome number n = 5.
showy Old World weed,
sporadic occurrence in the New World tropics and subtropics.
Not so frequent as either E. sonchifolia or E. fosbergii, no Panamanian specimens have been seen by me, but it is to be expected in Panama.
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