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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/13/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 6/13/2013)
Species Gnaphalium domingense Lam.
PlaceOfPublication Encycl. Meth. 2: 743. 1788.
Note TYPE: Hispaniola (not seen).
Synonym Gnaphalium poeppigianum DC., Prodr. 6: 227. 1837. TYPE: Peru, Poeppig 1368 (G-DC, not seen, IDC 1067. I, 1; W, isotype, not seen, MO, photo). Gnaphalium portoricense Urb., Symb. Ant. 3: 409. 1903. SYNTYPE: Puerto Rico, Sintenis 205 (MO). Gnaphalium viscosa sensu auct., ?an H.B.K.
Description Herb to 2 m tall; stems lanate with a bright to dirty white tomentum of arachnoid hairs. Leaves lanceolate, to 10 cm long and 2 cm broad, becoming smaller near the inflorescence, apically acute, mucronulate, the margins entire or crenulate-undulate, above green, often with a few wisps of arachnoid hairs, especially near the base of the midvein, the venation obscure, drying dark with short, stout glandular trichomes, beneath lanate tomentose, the midvein prominent, basally somewhat auricled, slightly clasping the stem and sometimes appearing decurrent. Inflorescence an open cymose or round-topped panicle, the heads in glomerules of 1-5, subtended by small, narrowly lanceolate leaflike bracts. Heads disciform, 4-6 mm long; involucral bracts many, imbricate, unequal, mostly obtuse, the apices of the innermost with a chalky appearance when viewed under a lens; receptacle 2.5-3 mm across, flat or slightly convex; ray florets numerous, 4-5 mm long, the corolla capillary, with a bulbous basal enlargement around the nectary, basally glandular papillose, apically 4-5-notched, darker colored; disc florets 4-5 mm long, the corolla tubiform, with a bulbous basal enlargement around the nectary, basally glandular-papillose to puberulent, apically 5-lobed, the anthers 1.2 mm long, the tails fimbriate, the appendages twice as long as broad, rounded, the style with a conspicuous, stipitate nectary, the style branches variable, often unequal, apically truncate and weakly glandular fimbriate, sometimes flattened dorsiventrally and glandular on the adaxial surface. Acherte reddish brown, ca. 1 mm long, wrinkled-striate, unnerved or weakly 3-5-nerved; carpopodium distinct, pale, oblique; pappus of many basally strigose and flattened bristles which fall independently or in small groups.
Habit Herb
Note This species is distinct from other Panamanian species of the genus in its chalky involucral bracts, large receptacle, and broad leaves which lack tomentum on the ventral surface but bear short glandular trichomes. In Panama, Gnaphalium domingense is known only from the uplands of Chiriqui Province. It may hybridize with G. attenuatum, and it is sometimes difficult to separate the two species. Gnaphalium domingense ranges widely in the New World tropics where it is known by many names. No attempt is made here to provide more synonymy than is necessary for working with the Panamanian plants. Much Panamanian material has been known under the name G. oxyphyllum DC., a later name based on material from Mexico. Gnaphalium domingense differs from the similar G. obtusifolium L. of eastern North America in the glands and gland-tipped hairs on the upper surface of the leaves; leaves of G. obtusifolium are glabrous.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: Near New Switzerland, central valley of Rio Chiriqui Viejo, 1800L-2000 m, Allen 1374 (MO). Cerro Punta, ca. 7000 ft, Blum et al. 2417 (MO). Camino al Cerro de la Muerte, 6000 ft, Correa 1267 (MO). Between Cerro Punta and Las Nubes, ca. 1800 m, Croat 26386 (MO). 1.4 mi SW of Cerro Punta, Graham 296 (GH). Bajo Chorro, Boquete District, 6000 ft, Davidson 432 (GGH, US). Ca. 7 mi from El Hato del Volcain, King 5300 (US) . Foot of Sierra Boquete, 4300 ft, Maurice 900 (MO). Cerro Vaca, 900-1136 m, Pittier 5309 (GH). 1 mi S of Cerro Punta, 6000 ft, Tyson 5781 (MO). Near Callejon Seco, Volcan de Chiriqui, 1700 m, Woodson & Schery 494 (MO). N of Audubon Cabin, Croat 13641 (MO-middle specimen only).
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