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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/3/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 6/3/2013)
Species Vernonia brachiata Benth. in Orst.
PlaceOfPublication Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn 1852: 67. 1852.
Note TYPE: Costa Rica, Oersted s.n.
Synonym Cacalia brachiata (Benth.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. P1. 969. 1891.
Description Herbs or small shrubs to 3 m tall; branches herbaceous, striate, becoming angular, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves subsessile; blades broadly elliptic to broadly obovate, acute to short acuminate at the apex, subauriculate at the base, 10-30 cm long, 5-13 cm broad, marginally entire to serrulate, glabrous to glabrescent above and beneath, lateral veins ascending, 10-14 pairs. Inflorescences terminal, leafless, 10-30 cm high, in long, freely branched cymes, the individual cymes 10-25 cm long with 22-46 heads, straight or more often recurved, peduncles 1.4-3.8 cm long, the bracts not foliaceous, linear, to 3 mm long. Heads with 18-22 florets, involucre broadly campanulate, 3-4 mm high, 4-5-seriate, the involucral bracts loosely imbricate, ciliate, the outer bracts narrowly ovate to lanceolate, acute to subcuspidate, with a thickened midrib, the inner bracts oblong to oblanceolate, acute to subacute, scarious, purple-tipped; receptacle flat, alveolate, naked; corolla tubular, 4-5 mm long, 5-lobed, the lobes lanceolate; stamens 5, anthers 2-2.5 cm long, apically acute,.broadly sagittate; styles 4-4.5 mm long, the 2 branches 1-2 mm long, antrorsely puberulous. Achenes narrowly cylindric, 2-3 mm long, faintly ribbed, puberulous; pappus biseriate, the inner bristles filiform, 4-5 mm long, persistent, the outer bristles linear, to 0.3-0.6 mm long, persistent.
Habit Herbs or small shrubs
Distribution Previously known in Central America only from Costa Rica, reported with certainty from western Panama.
Note he very large leaves coupled with the long, often arching, many-headed cymes easily separate this taxon from the other Panamanian species of Vernonia.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Changuinola Valley, Lincoln Creek, Dunlap 425 (NY). CHIRIQUI: Corotui, 6 km W of airport of Puerto Armuelles, 1(0-200 m, Liesner 10 (MO). 8 mi from Paso Canoas to Cafias Gordas, Liesner 221 (MO).
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