Biennial with 2 tubers. Stem (l5-)25-70(-90) cm high, simple or with a few branches in the lower part, glabrous with a few very short crispate hairs above. Lower most leaves with long petioles, orbicular-cordate to ovate-cordate in outline, usually deeply 5-lobed with crenate lobes, the others with short petioles or sessile, semi-amplexicaul, irregularly crenate-dentate, rarely lobate. Inflorescence a loose raceme, rarely subpaniculate. Lower bracts similar to upper leaves, the others ovate to lanceolate, crenate or entire. In the longer peduncles the bracteoles are elliptical or usually entire. Sepals blue to violet, glabrous. Lateral sepals obliquely obovate with dark tips, 14-20 x 12-20 mm, not stipitate, lower ones narrower. Petals (nectaries) with a long (16-18 mm) claw and short (4 mm) very wide hood, lobed or entire. Filaments winged above the middle, 6-8 mm long. Carpels 5, oblong-elliptical, pubescent, abruptly contracted to the style of about equal length. Follicles straight, 16-18 mm, glabrescent or glabrous. Seeds obpyramidate, 3-4 mm long with almost winged angles.