(Last Modified On 6/4/2013)
(Last Modified On 6/4/2013)
Critonia billbergiana (Beurl.) R. M. King & H. Robinson
Phytologia 22: 48. 1971.
Eupatorium billbergianum Beurl., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 1854: 134. 1856. TYPE: Panama, near Porto Bello, Billberg 300 (S).
Sparsely branching woody vines; stems greenish to pale brownish, terete, scarcely striate, glabrous. Leaves opposite; blades ovate, to 11 cm long and 5 cm wide, the base cuneate to somewhat rounded, parallel to the long basal secondary veins, the margins remotely serrulate to subentire, the apex slightly short- acuminate, the surface usually glabrous, sometimes sparsely pilose below on veins, the venation subpinnate to trinervate, the second pair of secondary veins most prominent; petioles to 2 cm long. Inflorescence pyramidally paniculate with the lowest branches in the axils of normal leaves, the branches densely corymbose with branchlets bearing few heads, glabrous to puberulous, the ultimate branches 0-4 mm long. Heads 9-12 mm high with 8-9 florets; involucral bracts 20-25, imbricate to subimbricate, in 4-5 series, 1-6 mm long and 1.5 mm wide, ovate to oblong- lanceolate with narrowly rounded apex, the innermost bracts acute, coriaceous, the outer surface glabrous; corolla whitish, 5-7 mm long, tubular or with a narrowly funnelform limb, glabrous, the lobes ca. 0.5 mm long, narrowly triangular; style branches slightly broadened distally. Achenes 3-4 mm long with 5-6 narrow ribs, numerous hairs on upper part, glabrous below, the achene base scarcely narrowed with broad carpopodium; pappus of ca. 40 crowded bristles partially in second series, 5-7 mm long, the bases of the bristles with distinct margins and flattened outer surfaces, the tips slightly but distinctly enlarged.
woody vines
known from British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama.
The plants seem to be strictly vines and have less branched inflorescences and distinctly larger heads than either of the other Panamanian species.
BOCAS DEL TORO: Water Valley, vic. of Chiriqui Lagoon, von Wedel 1817 (MO). CANAL ZONE: Chagres, Fendler 154 (MO). Cerro Galera, 350-400 m, Gentry 6622 (MO). Pipeline road 5-6 mi N of Gamboa, Gentry 6672 (MO). COLON: Portobelo, Billberg 300 (S). PANAMA: Cerro Azul, Dwyer 3071 (MO). Cerro Campana, Dwyer et al. 4714 (MO). Madden Lake, Gentry & Tyson 5033 (MO). 2-3 mi S of Goofy Lake, 2000-2200 ft, Lewis et al. 265, 285 (both MO). SAN BLAS: Isla Soskatupa, Duke 8944 (MO, REED).
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