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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/4/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 6/4/2013)
Species Spiracantha cornifolia H.B.K.
PlaceOfPublication Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 4: 29. 1820.
Note TYPE: Vene- zuela, ad portum Zapote, Herb. Humboldt & Bonpland 1367 (P, not seen, IDC 6209. 91. I, 4).
Description Erect or partially decumbent herbs 30-150l(-200) cm long; stems loosely branched, purplish on exposed areas, sericeous, the trichomes to ca 1.4 mm long. Leaves distributed along the stem, ? elliptic, basally obtuse, apically acute and sharply mucronate, serrulate, 2.5-11 cm long, 1-4 cm wide, chartaceous, sericeous above, beneath conspicuously white-tomentose, secondary veins 6-10 pairs, promi- nent beneath, sunken above; petioles 5-15 mm long, expanded-deltoid and basally clasping. Inflorescences capitate clusters; peduncles 1-10 cm long; clusters ca. 1.5 cm tall, 2.5-4 cm across, containing 20-25 subsessile glomerules, several of the lower glomerules arising from and tightly enclosed by a leaflike bract; bract ovate, to 2 cm long, membranous, with a sharp mucro ca. 1.5 mm long; the glomerules compact, 3-11-headed, 5-8 mm high, 5 mm across, with a strigulose bract sub- tending each head; bract ovate, keeled, with a sharp, horizontally directed mucro ca. 1.5 mm long. Heads with 1 floret; involucral bracts membranous, about 6, + imbricate, linear, 4-4.5 mm long, conspicuously lanate at the base; corolla blue- violet, the tube slender, 1.4 mm long, the limb 1.6 mm long, 4-parted, the lobes equal, 1.0 mm long; anthers 0.9 mm long, basally sagittate, the appendage ca. 0.3 mm long; style branches 0.3 mm long, glabrate. Achenes turbinate, semiterete, smooth, 2 mm long, 0.7 mm across at the widest point, smooth, obscurely 5-nerved, vitreous-gray, resin-dotted in a ring around the top; pappus in 2 series, the outer series of 10 or more hyaline, minutely strigulose scales of different lengths, 0.5-1.0 mm long, the inner series considerably shorter, the scales linear-lanceolate, readily deciduous.
Habit herbs
Distribution Ranging from-British Honduras to Venezuela, and Panama
Note Spiracantha cornifolia is mainly restricted to central Panama, often on thin soil. It flowers principally from December to April. The glomerules do not fall apart but are disseminated intact.
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Albrook Forest, Blum & Dwyer 2093 (FSU, MO). France Field, Blum & Dwyer 2120 (MO). Barro Colorado Island, Busey 309 (FSU, MO). 10 km N of Gamboa, Busey 327 (C, DUKE, ENCB, MO, OS, PMA, US, WIS). Near Albrook, Correa 118 (DUKE, FSU). Barro Colorado Island, Croat 7460, 7776, 8246, 11998 (all MO). Madden Forest, Croat 8944 (MO). Pipeline Road 2.5 mi from Gamboa, Croat 9341 (MO). 15 mi NW of Gamboa, Croat 12771 (MO). Albrook, Dwyer & Robyns 38 (MO). Arraijan, Dwyer et al. 4349 (MO). Barro Colorado Island, Ebinger 11 (DUKE, MO). 11 mi NE of Balboa, Eyerdam 12064 (US). 5-10 mi N of Gamboa, Gentry 2655 (MO). Ancon, Greenman & Greenman 5049 (GH, MO). Pipeline Road, 5.9 mi from Gamboa turnoff, Kennedy 2345 (MO). Near Gamboa, Lazor & Tyson 5660 (MO). Madden Forest, Lewis et al. 5310 (DUKE, MO, NY). . Barro Colorado Island, Luteyn 773 (DUKE). Between Rodman Marine Base and Chorrera, Nowicke et al. 3595 (MO). Chiva-Chiva Trail near Pueblo Nuevo, Piper 5760 (US). Summit, Standley 26906 (US). Gatun Station, Tyson 3519 (MO). Ft. Clayton, Tyson 3659 (FSU, MO). 12 mi S of Colon, Tyson et al. 4488 (FSU, MO). Pipeline Road N of Gamboa, Wilbur & Weaver 11244 (DUKE, MO). 1 mi SW of Cocoli, Wilbur et al. 12877 (DUKE, GH, MO). Playa Venado, Wilbur & Teeri 12980 (DUKE). 6 mi NW of Gamboa, Wilbur & Teeri 13356 (DUKE, GH, MO, NY). Near Summit, Wilbur & Teeri 13383 (DUKE). COCLE: Rio Grande, Burch et al. 1178 (GH, MO, US). COLON: Between Transisthmian Hwy. and Salamanca, 100 m, Gentry 6726 (MO). DARIEN: Rio Sabana, Duke 15452 (OS). HERRERA: Between Chitre and Divisa, Burch et al. 1365 (MO). PANAMA: Isla del Rey, Duke 9574 (DUKE, MO, OS). Cerro Azul, Dwyer 2410 (ENCB, MO). Near Cerro Jefe, Dwyer 7138 (GH, MO). San Jose Island, Johnston 170 (GH); 1199 (GH). Cerro Campana, Lewis et al. 3117 (DUKE, MO). Ca. 16 mi N of Gamboa, Lewis et al. 5438 (MO). Sabanas N of Panama City, Paul 622 (US). Near Juan Franco Race Track, Standley 27709 (US). Between Matias Hernandez and Juan Diaz, Standley 32043 (US). Cerro Campana, 2300 ft, Tyson 4021 (FSU, MO). 4 mi E of Chepo, Tyson 5354 (DUKE, FSU, MO). Near Goofy Lake, Wilbur & Weaver 11107 (DUKE). Cerro Azul, Wilbur & Teeri 13597 (DUKE).
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