Gamochaeta pensylvanica (Willd.) Cabrera
Flora of China Editorial Committee. 1988-2013. Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum). Unpaginated. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.
Nash, D. L. 1976. Tribe IV, Inuleae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XII. Fieldiana, Bot. 24(12): 164–181, 496–502.
Gnaphalium chinense Gand.
Flora of China Editorial Committee. 1988-2013. Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum). Unpaginated. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.
Gnaphalium peregrinum Fernald
Nash, D. L. 1976. Tribe IV, Inuleae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XII. Fieldiana, Bot. 24(12): 164–181, 496–502.
Gnaphalium purpureum var. spathulatum Baker
Nash, D. L. 1976. Tribe IV, Inuleae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XII. Fieldiana, Bot. 24(12): 164–181, 496–502.
Gnaphalium spathulatum Lam.
Nash, D. L. 1976. Tribe IV, Inuleae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XII. Fieldiana, Bot. 24(12): 164–181, 496–502.