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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/13/2022)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 8/9/2020)
Contributor Text: S. Abedin
Contributor Institution: Centre for Plant Conservation, University of Karachi – Pakistan
Synonym Text:

Chondrilla pusilla Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. Nov. Ser. 1(7): 11. 1846; Heteroderis stocksiana Boiss., Fl. Orient. 3: 794. 1875; Kitam., l. c.; R. R. Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. Kashm. 750. 1972.


Fl. Per.: May-July


C. Asia, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan.


A very variable  species as to hairiness of inner phyllaries, four  varieties are recognized from our flora area.


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Annual, small herb, up to 30 cm tall, glabrous to pubescent and setose. Leaves in rosette at the base, 2 – 8  x 1 – 2  cm, runcinately pinnate, somewhat spiny along margin, glabrous to setose on the midrib below; upper leaves auriculate, undivided, linear-lanceolate, small. Capitula 1-5 in clusters, terminal or lateral, 4 – 7  x 2 – 3  mm, accrescent in fruit, up to 10 – 14  x 4 – 6  mm. Involucre 2-seriate, outer phyllaries broadly ovate, 2 – 4  x 1.5 – 2  mm, glabrous to setaceous; inner phyllaries 3-4 times longer than outer ones, cymbiform, lanceolate, scarious margined, keeled outside, glabrous to variously hairy and setaceous. Cypselas dimorphic, outer ones enclosed by inner phyllaries, ± 4 mm long, ribbed, curved and narrowed above, glabrous to papillose; central ones spinulose above;  beak 3 – 7  mm long; pappus 3 – 5  mm long, white.


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Inner phyllaries of involucre glabrous.


iii) var. gymnocephala


Inner phyllaries of involucre setose and cobwebby externally.






Inner phyllaries cobwebby and setaceus.


iv) var. leucocephala


Inner phyllaries only setaceous.





Inner phyllaries setose on the midrib only.      

i) var. pusilla


Inner phyllaries setose all over.

ii) var. chaetocephala

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