Grindelia hirsutula Hook. & Arn.
Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2006. Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, part 7: Asteraceae, part 2. 20: i–xxii, 1–666. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee (eds.) Fl. N. Amer.. Oxford University Press, New York.
Grindelia hirsutula var. maritima (Greene) M.A. Lane
Lane, M. A. 1992. New combinations in Californian Grindelia (Compositae: Astereae). Novon 2(3): 215–217.

Grindelia humilis Hook. & Arn.
Ulloa Ulloa, C., P. Acevedo-Rodríguez, S. G. Beck, M. J. Belgrano, R. Bernal, P. E. Berry, L. Brako, M. Celis, G. Davidse, S. R. Gradstein, O. Hokche, B. León, S. León-Yánez, R. E. Magill, D. A. Neill, M. H. Nee, P. H. Raven, H. Stimmel, M. T. Strong, J. L. Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. Zarucchi, F. O. Zuloaga & P. M. Jørgensen. 2018 (onwards). An integrated Assessment of Vascular Plants Species of the Americas (Online Updates).
Grindelia humilis var. platyphylla (Greene) Adr. Bartoli & Tortosa
Bartoli, A. & R. D. Tortosa. 2011 [2012]. Revision of the North American Species of Grindelia (Asteraceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 98: 447–513.
