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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/21/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/21/2013)
Species Chimarrhis parviflora Standley
PlaceOfPublication Trop. Woods 11: 26. 1927.
Note TYPE: Panama', Cooper & Slater 120 (US, holotype; F, NY, isotypes).
Description Trees to 18 m tall, the branches smooth, terete, glabrous, ultimately angular, the nodes well spaced. Leaves oblong, 3.5-9.5 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, acute and short acuminate at apex, acute or cuneate at the base, scarcely inequilateral, the costa subplane to prominulous above, subprominent beneath, the lateral veins 9- 11, at first strict, then arcuate toward the margin, the intervenal areas smooth, the veinlets inconspicuous, papyraceous, scarcely discolorous, drying chocolate brown above, glabrous above, appressed villose especially on the costa and the veins beneath; petioles 0.5-1.6 cm long, scarcely pubescent; stipules free, nar- rowly triangular, to 11 mm long, densely appressed pubescent and farinose out- side, glabrescent within. Inflorescences axillary or pseudoterminal, to 4 per axil, minutely puberulent, cymose paniculate, to 15 cm long, to 9 cm wide, the pe- duncle when present 4-9 cm long, arcuate or strict, with 3 or 4 radiate branches terminating the peduncle 1-3 cm long, the cymules hemispherical, densely flow- ered. Flowers on short pedicels to 2 mm long; calyx and hypanthium very short, glabrous truncate the 4-5 teeth obtuse, ciliate; corolla funneliform, ca. 3 mm long, the lobes 4, rounded, glabrous outside, villose within; stamens 4, exserted, the anthers narrowly ovoid, to 0.7 mm long, the ovarian disc annular ca. 0.7 mm long, 0.65 mm wide, 0.8 mm tall; style ca. 2.5 mm long, the stigmas broader than long. Fruits capsular, obovoid or turbinate, ca. 2 mm long, 1 mm wide or almost as wide as long, the valves separating almost to the base, the inner face subplane, scarious, longitudinally grooved, the outer face weakly ribbed; seeds usually 4, plane, subrotund. 0.5-1 mm in diam. the wing enveloping the central glandular shiny fruit body.
Habit Trees
Distribution known only from Panama and Costa Rica.
Note Croat 11244, taken from a fallen tree, has the inflorescences with galls measuring 5 x 4 mm in di- ameter.
Common Yema de Huevo
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Changuinola Valley, Cooper & Slater 3, 120 (F). Daytonia Farm, Cooper 401 (F, US). PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Croat 11244 (MO). VERAGUAS: Valley of Rio Dos Bocas, road between Escuela Agricola Alto Piedra & Calov6bora, 15.6 m NW of Santa Fe, Croat 27755 (MO).
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