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Randia formosa (Jacq.) K. Schum. Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/17/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/17/2013)
Species Randia formosa (Jacq.) Schum.
PlaceOfPublication Mart. Fl. Bras. 6(6): 342. 1889.
Synonym Mussaenda formosa Jacq., Enum. P1. Carib. 16. 1760. TYPE: Colombia, Jacquin, not seen. Gardenia mussaenda L.f., Suppl. 163. 1781. TYPE: not seen. Randia mussaenda (L.f.) DC., Prodr. 4: 388. 1830. Gardenia maritima Vahl in DC., Prodr. 4: 388. 1830. TYPE: not seen.
Description Shrubs to 5 m tall, the branches 8.5-20.0 cm long, terete, unarmed, opposite, stiff, strongly ascending, usually glabrous, occasionally pubescent, the nodes crowded terminally, otherwise well spaced. Leaves ovate trapeziform, obovate- oblong, or lanceolate, occasionally inequilateral or subfalcate, 2-10 cm long, 1.3- 4.0 cm wide, deltoid, rounded or acute apically, rounded or obtuse at the base, the costa slender, prominulous to plane above, prominulous to prominent be- neath, the lateral veins 5-6, arcuate, chartaceous, concolorous, glabrate but often villosulose on costa and veins; petioles 0.3-1.2 cm long; stipules ovate triangular, to 2.5 mm long, acute, drying rubescent, often venose, scarious, marginate. Flow- ers solitary, terminal, sessile, 12-14(-20) cm long, the hypanthium ca. 12 mm long, the calycine cup cylindrical, 6-7 mm long, 4.5-5.0 mm wide, silky pubes- cent, the lobes 4-5, linear, 4.5-8.0 mm long; corolla with the tube to 19 cm long, sericeous strigose outside, papillose and velutinous within above the middle, the lobes narrowly triangular, 5-6 cm long, acute, glabrous, pubescent abaxially; stamens 5, the anthers oblong, 5 mm long, attached at the mouth; style slender with ascending hairs above middle, the stigmas broadly 2-lobed. Fruits sessile, oblong or rotund, 1.5-2.5 cm long, occasionally wider than long, usually drying black, glabrate to sparsely hairy, the seeds numerous, plane, disposed 4-seriately.
Habit Shrubs
Distribution ranges from Panama to Peru and Brazil. It also occurs in the Antilles.
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Juan Mina, Bartlett & Lasser 16542 (MO). Old Gamboa Road between Summit Hills Golf Course and Summit Naval Radio Station, Croat 16669 (MO). 5 mi N of Gamboa Gate, D'Arcy & D'Arcy 6010 (MO). Fort Kobbe, Duke 4202, 4726 (both MO). Rio Chagres, I mi above Madden Lake, Duke 4455 (MO). Farfan Beach, Dwyer 6761 (MO). C-15 Road, D'yer & Blumn 2675 (MO). Albrook, Hayden 64 (MO). Madden Dam, Kirkbride & Elias 265 (MO). Summit, Lindsay 251 (US). Base of Cerro Pelado, NW of Gamboa, Nee 9269 (MO). Upper Chilibre River, Seibert 150 (MO, US). Obispo, Standley 31746 (US). Chiva-Chiva Trail, Miraflores Lake, Tyson 1344 (MO). Miraflores Lake, White 149 (MO). BARRO COLORADO ISLAND: Aviles X-31 (MO); Croat 11296, 11888 (both MO); Foster 949 (MO); Kenoyer 655 (US); Shattuck 1100 (MO). CHIRIQUf: Rabo do Puerco, 8 km W of Puerto Armuelles, Croat 21943 (MO). COL6N: Santa Rita Ridge Road, 300-500 m, Gentry 6588 (MO). Rio Viejo and Rio Ruiz, Portobelo Road, 4 km NE of Puerto Pil6n, Nee 7179 (MO).  DARIEN: Quebrado Venado and Peje Swamp, headwaters of Rio Tuqueza, Bristan 1025 (MO). Que- brada Aguacate, Bristan 1212 (MO). Rio Tuira between Pucro and Rio Punusa, Duke 5387 (MO). Isla Pedro Gonzales, Duke 10394 (MO). Piria-Canazas Trail near Piria, Duke 14311 (MO). 1-3 mi N of Paya, Duke & Kirkbride 14006 (MO). Slopes of Cerro Pirre, 500-1000 m, Gentry & Clewell 7128 (MO). PANAMA: Nuevo Emperador cerca de Arrazona, Blandon 25 (MO). Panamerican Highway halfway between El Llano and Rio Mamoni, Duke 5538 (MO). Between Pacora and Chepo, Gallardo 20 (MO). 4 mi W of Chepo, Gentry 5556 (MO). Natural Bridge, Panama City, Gentry 5611 (MO). Taboga Island, Gentry 5722 (MO). 1 km E of El Llano, Gentry 6464 (MO). Chepo, Pittier 4447 (US). Matias Hernandez, Standley 32062 (US). W of El Llano, road to Jesus Maria, Tyson 6858 (MO).
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