Remijia macrocnemum is characterized by its relatively long oblanceolate leaves that are generally shiny on the upper surface, its well developed, rather narrow stipules with their bases connected to or prolonged into a ridge or wing that extends down from each side and encircles the petiole, its slender, well developed, racemiform or pyramidal inflorescences, its slender somewhat small (for Remijia) corollas, and its slender medium-sized capsules. The ridges or wings that encircle the petioles are distinctive for this species, and apparently unique in Remijia; these structures are unusual in Rubiaceae, but are also found in Cinchonopsis. The ridges or wings encircling the petiole are often prolonged in the basal portion into a horn or rounded protuberance. This species is similar to Remijia amazonica, which have verticillate leaves and lacks a ridge encircling the petiole.