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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/11/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/11/2013)
Species Nertera granadensis (L.f.) Druce
PlaceOfPublication Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles. 1916: 637. 1917.
Synonym Gomozia granadensis Mutis ex L.f., Suppl. P1. 129. 1781. Nertera depressa Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn., Fruct. Sem. P1. 1: 124. 1788. TYPE: Antartica, Banks (K, holotype), not seen.
Description Herbs, epiphytic or creeping, occasionally to 1.3 m tall, the branches short, glabrous or webby pubescent (mouldy?), often drying deep purplish red. Leaves ovate rotund, to 1.3 cm long, to 1.25 cm wide, slightly inequilateral, widely deltoid at the apex, ultimately retuse or minutely apiculate, basally subcordate to trun- cate, the base deltoid as it passes into the petiole, the costa plane or evanescent above (then often pubescent), plane to prominulous beneath, the lateral veins 2- 5, often evanescent, the 2 basal veins together with the costa appearing flabellate, widely arcuate, carnose but drying thin, glabrous or pubescent, the hairs thick, falcate, appressed, often only the hair bases persistent and the surface then silvery lepidote, the margin delicately marginate; petioles 0.9 cm long, to 0.3 cm wide, glabrous, often grooved above; stipules interpetiolar, triangular, to 1 mm long, to 1 mm wide. Flowers solitary; hypanthium oblong, ca. 1 mm long, with a few scattered hairs, the calycine cup short and without lobes; corolla yellow green or pale yellow, the tube widely funnel shaped, inflated, ca. 0.8 mm long, glabrous, petaloid; stamens 4, the anthers rotund, ca. 0.3 mm in diam., the filaments ca. 1.5 mm long, inserted at the base of the corolla tube; stigmas 2, reflexed, subulate, ca. 1 mm long, longer than the style, the ovule 1, large, pendent. Fruits sessile, scarlet at maturity, oblong, to 2.5 mm long, to 2 mm wide, glabrous, delicately reticulate and with a few delicate longitudinal lines, the raphides abundant.
Habit Herbs
Distribution ranges from Mexico to Chile. Index Kewensis lists the species as occurring in New Zealand and the Island of Tristan da Cunha.
Specimen CHIRIQUf: Cerro Horqueta, Blum & Divyer 2613 (MO). Las Cumbres, Cerro Punta, Croat 13778 (MO); Croat & Porter 16117 (MO). Alto Respinga and above, ca. 2800 m, D'Arcy 9958 (MO). Above Bajo Chorro, D'Arcy 11092 (MO). Bajo Chorro, Boquete, Davidson 422 (F, MO). Potrero Muleto, Volcan de Chiriqui, Boquete, Davidson 1038 (F, MO). Between Quebrada Hondo and divide on Calderas-Chiriquicito trail, Kirkbride & Duke 930 (MO). Las Nubes, W of Cerro Punta, Liesner 291 (MO). E side of Volcan Baru, 3000 m, Mori & Bolten 7437 (MO). Bajo Grande, ca. 3 km E of town of Cerro Punta, 2200 m, Nee 9977 (MO). Cerro Punta, 6800 ft, Ridgwvay & Solis 2397 (MO). Rio Chiriqui Viejo Valley, near Volcan, White 170 (MO). Rio Chiriqui, Viejo Valley, White 219 (F). Loma Larga, Volcan de Chiriqui, Woodson et al. 1032 (F, MO). DARIEN: Cerro Tarcarcuna, W ridge along Quebrada toward waterfall, 1500-1550 m, Gentry & Mori 14104 (MO).
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