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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/5/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/5/2013)
Species Hillia chiapensis Standley
PlaceOfPublication J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 16. 1926.
Note TYPE: Mexico, Purpus 262 (US, holotype).
Description Epiphytic shrubs, much branched, heathlike in habit, the branches rough, 4-angled, the angles delicately alate, glabrous, the nodes constricted, the point of petiole insertion depressed and with an annular orifice. Leaves ericoid, elliptic, oblong elliptic or oval, to 0.7(-0.9) cm long, rounded at the apex, acute to obtuse at the base, the costa and lateral veins not visible in dried material, coriaceous, glabrous, marcescent; petioles to 0.2 cm long; stipules deciduous, occasionally persistent at tip of branchlets, obovate to oblong, 3-4 mm long, rounded, gla- brous, venose. Flowers solitary, sessile; corolla tube ca. 15 mm long, the lobes ca. 7 mm long. Fruits capsular, to 3 cm long.
Habit shrubs
Distribution ranges from Mexico to Panama.
Specimen PANAMA: Finca El Indio, Cerro Jefe, Correa et al. 1770 (MO). Summit of Cerro Jefe and forests along road beyond summit, to 2700 ft, Hayden 1021 (COL, DS, MO, UC).
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