(Last Modified On 9/11/2013)
(Last Modified On 9/11/2013)
Manettia reclinata L.
Mant. P1. 2: 553. 1771.
Vines, the stems slender, often with longitudinal ridges, glabrate or puberu- lent. Leaves ovate oblong, 3.0-5.5 cm long, 1.0-2.5 cm wide, acute at the apex, often acuminate, the acumen to 1 cm long, basally cuneate to obtuse, slightly inequilateral, the costa plane to prominulous above, prominulous to subplane beneath, the lateral veins 6-7, arcuate, the margin often villosulose, membranous; petioles to 2 cm long, slender, ca. 0.7-1.0 mm wide, puberulent; stipules small, widely triangular, to 1 mm long, wider than long, minutely puberulent and ru- gulose. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, glabrous, 1-several flowers per axil, the peduncle, if present, short, terminated by a pair of bracteoles subtending the pedicels; pedicels capillaceous, to 3.5 cm long. Flowers with the hypanthium oblong, ca. 3 mm long, the calycine cup ca. 1 mm long, with minute oblong glands within to 0.15 mm long, the lobes (6-)8, subequal, subulate to narrowly oblong, 6-7 mm long, marginally ciliate; corolla red, scarlet, magenta, occasionally white, the tube ca. 7 mm long, basally turgid, glabrate, minutely puberulent to densely villose outside, densely villose within near the mouth and with a few hairs near the base, the lobes 4, oblong, 7-8 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, obtuse, petaloid, venose, marginally ciliate, glabrous adaxially; stamens 4, the anthers oblong, ca. 3 mm long, the filaments ca. 1 mm long, attached near the mouth; stigmas 2, linear oblong, ca. 2.5 mm long, the style ca. 11 mm long. Fruits capsular, com- pressed rotund, 0.6-0.8 cm in diam., smooth, glabrous or puberulent, each valve with 3 delicate ribs, the calycine lobes persistent, curled; seeds ca. 3 mm in diam., the wing round, the margin undulate.
ranges from Mexico to northern South America. It also occurs in Cuba and Jamaica.
Duke 14934 notes that the Indians chew the fruits which stain their teeth black. "Churco-guidave" (Choco). Sullivan 509 and Fol- som 3891 have an average of 6 calyx lobes and the flowers are described as "white." They may represent a new species.
BOCAS DEL TORO: Changuinola Valley, Dunlap 254 (MO). Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 1217, 1271, 1669, 1714 (all MO). CANAL ZONE: Between Gatun and Fort Sherman, Burch et al. 1017 (F, GH, K, MO, NY, UC, US). Farfan Beach, Burch et al. 1407 (F, GH, K, MO, NY, UC). Rio Indio Hydro- graphic Station and Natural Bridge, Dodge & Allen 17485 (MO). Madden Dam, Dwyer 8389 (MO). Fort Sherman, Dwyer 8595 (MO). Madden Forest, Gentry 2819 (MO). Cerro Galera, Gentry 6664 (MO). Curundi, Harvey 5196 (MO). Cerro Anc6n, Heriberto 51 (F). Road C-29, 6 km E of Gamboa, Nee 8992 (MO). 1 km NW of Gamboa on E side of Ammunition Depot, Nee 9542 (MO). Between Rodman Marine Base and Chorrera, Nowicke et al. 3591 (MO, UC, VEN). BARRO COLORADO ISLAND: Croat 4375, 6705, 7467, 12740 (all MO); Shattuck 159 (F, MO), 486 (MO). 13 mi N of Rio San FMlix bridge, 800-1200 m, Croat 33406 (MO). CHIRIQUI: Frances Arriba School, ca. 14 km N of David, Lewis et al. 684 (MO). 12 mi W of Puerto Armuelles, Liesner 205 (MO). COCLE: La Mesa, Allen 2345, 2853 (both F); Croat 37483 (MO); Folsom 3891 (MO); Sullivan 509 (MO). DARIEN: Ridge NW of Yaviza, Duke 6538 (MO). Rio Morti Hydro Camp, Duke 15414 (MO). Rio Balsa, Duke & Nickerson 14934 (MO). LOS SANTOS: Headwaters, Rio Pedregal, Lewis et al. 2941 (MO, UC, VEN). Between Tonosi and Macaracas, Oliver et al. 3545 (MO). PANAMA: Between Capira and Potrero, Dodge & Hunter 8616 (MO). Cerro Campana, Dressler 3524 (MO). Cerro Jefe, Duke 8005 (MO). Cerro Cam- pana, Lewis et al. 1922 (MO), 3313 (MO, UC, VEN); Kirkbride & Hayden 282 (MO). Between Savannas and Rio Yguana, McBride 2634 (F). El Llano-Carti Road, 5 km N of Panamerican Highway, ca. 300 m, Nee 7880 (MO). Bella Vista, Piper 5338 (F). Cerro Jefe, Tyson 3423 (MO). SAN BLAS: Opposite Ailigandi, Lewis et al. 145 (F, GH, K, MO, NY, PA, UC, US). Ustupo, D'Arcy 9491 (MO). VERAGUAS: Sond, Allen 1024 (F). 0.2 mi beyond fork in road at Escuela Alto Piedra, road to Rio Calovebora, 750 m, Croat & Folsom 33899 (MO). Mouth of Rio Concepci6n, Lewis et al. 2841 A (MO).
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