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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/21/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/21/2013)
Species Cephaelis tomentosa (Aubl.) Vahl
PlaceOfPublication Eclog. Amer. 1: 19. 1796.
Synonym Tapogomea tomentosa Aubl., Hist. P1. Guiane 160. 1775. TYPE: not seen. Psychotria poeppigiana Muell.-Arg. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 6(5): 370. TYPE: not seen. Evea tomentosa (Aubl.) Standley, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18: 123. 1916.
Description Shrubs to 2 m tall, the branches terete, ultimately angular, golden hirsute or villose, often constricted below the nodes. Leaves lanceolate or ovate lanceolate, 8-23 cm long, 3-9 cm wide, acute at the apex, attenuate acuminate, the acumen to 2 cm long, acute, rounded or obtuse at the base, the costa prominulous above and beneath, the lateral veins 9-12, arcuate, the intervenal areas spreading retic- ulate, membranous to chartaceous, densely golden villose above and beneath; petioles to 2 cm long, densely hairy; stipules connate, usually persistent, cylin- drical, the sheath 2-6 mm long, truncate or tapering toward the apex, each part usually with 2 erect narrowly subulate awns to 11 mm long, usually twice the length of the sheath, densely hirsute. Inforescences terminal, 5-6 cm wide, the flowers conglomerate, the head subtended by numerous bracts, the outer pair large, flaring, deep red; peduncles 2.5-7.0 cm long, densely villose. Flowers with the hypanthium short, pubescent, the calycine cup scarcely measurable, the lobes
Habit Shrubs
Description 5, narrowly oblong or narrowly triangular subulate, to 2 mm long, petaloid, with a linear oblong gland at the sinuses to 0.5 mm long; corolla yellow, the tube narrowly cylindrical to 13 mm long, somewhat expanded near the mouth, petal- oid, densely elongate ciliate outside, barbate inside ca. 3 mm below the filament attachment, the lobes 5, triangular, ca. 3 mm long; stamens 5, the anthers sub- sessile, narrowly oblong, 2.5-3.5 mm long, attached at the mouth, usually slightly exserted; style slender, included or barely exserted, the stigmas digitiform, scarcely wider than the style, ca. 2.5 mm long. Fruits berrylike, bright blue, rotund to broadly oblong, less than 1 cm in diam.
Distribution well distributed throughout tropical America.
Note Standley (1938) remarked that ". . . in most herbaria (it) is represented by more specimens than perhaps any other tropical member of the family. Oddly enough I have not seen any herbarium material from the Province of Chiriqui, Panama; undoubtedly it occurs there." "Uasika" (Cuna, fide Standley).
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Santa Catalina, Blackwell et al. 2805 (COL, DUKE, MO, UC, VEN). Almi- rante, near Nigra Creek, McDaniel 5050 (MO). Water Valley, Wedel 811 (MO). Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 1081, 1279 (both MO). Water Valley, Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 1744 (MO). Old Bank Island, Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 2118 (MO). Little Bocas, Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 2534 (MO). BARRO COL- ORADO ISLAND: Aviles 31 (MO); Croat 4364 (MO); Ebinger 612 (MO); Shattuck 53, 531, 1045 (all MO); Starry 155 (MO); Woodson & Schery 987 (MO). CANAL ZONE: Crossing of Cruces Trail and Madden Dam Road, Bartlett & Lasser 16344 (MO). Near Juan Mina, Bartlett & Lasser 16556 (MO). Cerro Viejo on K 16 C, Blum 1224 (MO). Chagres, 4 mi S of river, Busey 389 (MO). Madden Forest Reserve, Candido F. I (MO). Pipeline Road, 0.2 mi N of ATTC Gate, Croat 4697 (MO). Pipeline Road near Gatun Lake, Croat 4704 (MO). Radar Station Road 1 mi N of Summit Garden, Croat 10276 (MO). Madden Forest SE of Rio Pedro Miguel, D'Arcy & D'Arcy 6099 (MO). Rio Azote Caballo, Sabanas, Dodge et al. 16844 (MO). Hill C-6, Ft. Sherman, Duke 4401 (MO). George Greene Memorial, Las Cruces Trail, Dwyer 6755 (MO). Chagres, Fendler 177 (MO). Gatin Station, Hayes s.n. (MO). Road between Gamboa and Summit Gardens, Kennedy 2257 (MO). Pipeline Road, Ken- nedy & Andrews 1896 (MO). Navy Reservation N of Gamboa, Robyns 65-54 (MO). Las Cruces, Seibert 577 (MO). Pipeline Road, Stern & Chambers 18 (MO). 6 mi N of Gamboa, Tyson 1510 (MO). 7 mi N of Gamboa, Tyson 6635 (MO). Fort Sherman, Tyson & Blum 1679 (MO). 1 mi N of Summit Garden, Tyson & Blum 1968 (MO). COCLE: El Valle, Aguilar CH3 (MO). Cerro Pil6n, 700-900 m, Duke 12184 (MO). La Mesa, El Valle, Folsom & Butcher 2807 (MO). Ft. Cerro Pil6n, ca. 2000 m, Porter et al. 4584 (MO, SCZ). Cerro Valle Chiquito, 700-800 m, Seibert 505 (MO). El Valle de Ant6n, 650-700 m, Woodson & Schery 171 (MO). Las Margaritas and El Valle, Woodson et al. 1297 (MO). COLON: Juan Mina Plantation, Rio Chagres, Allen 4109 (MO). Santa Rita Ridge, East Ridge, Dwyer & Correa 8405 (MO). Santa Rita, N of Agua Clara Rain Gauge, Kennedy 2764 (MO). Santa Rita Ridge, Lewis et al. 5263 (COL, MO, SCZ, UC, VEN). 0.7 mi NE of Rio Piedras Bridge, Pil6n to Portobelo, Nee & Mori 3654 (MO). 8 km NE of Santa Rita, ca. 650 ft, Wilbur & Weaver 10840 (MO). DARIEN: Headwaters of Rio Chico, 500-750 ft, Allen 4598 (MO). Rio Chico, across from Boca de Tesca, Duke 5214 (MO). Pico Piriaque, Duke 8138 (MO). Rio Sancanti, 2 mi upstream from Piria, ca. 120 m, Duke 14383 (MO). Puerto St. Dorothea, Dwyer 2228, 2255 (both MO). Quebrada "Camachi- muricate" near Casa de Bartolo, Kennedy 2861 (MO). Manene to Mouth of Rio Cuasi, Kirkbride & Bristan 1543 (MO). Cana, 1750 ft, Stern et al. 654 (MO). LOS SANTOS: Loma Prieta, Cerro Grande, 2400-2800 ft, Lewis et al. 2240 (COL, DUKE, UC, VEN). PANAMA: Road to Nuevo Emperador, Austin 19 (MO). Cerro Azul, Carrasquilla 198 (MO); Castrejon 39 (MO). Cerro Campana, Croat 12139 (MO). Nuevo Emperador, De Garcia 30 (MO). Near Jenen6, Duke 3882 (MO). Panama Viejo, Duke 5730 (MO). Cerro Jefe, Duke 9459 (MO). Cerro Azul, ca. 2000 ft, Dwyer 2124, 3074 (both MO). Cerro Campana, ca. 3000 ft, Dwyer & Kirkbride 7854 (GH, MO); Ebinger 337 (MO). Cerro Azul, Ebinger 986 (MO). Nuevo Emperador, Fernandez 116 (MO). Cerro Jefe, Ferris 160 (MO). Cerro Campana, Gentry 1829 (MO). Rio Maestro, 2 mi from coast, Gentry 2205 (MO). Cerro Azul, Gomez- Pompa et al. 3394 (MO); Guerra 6 (MO). Nuevo Emperador (Arraijan), Guerra 9 (MO). Las Guacas, Kant 41 (MO). 16 km above Panamerican Highway, road from El Llano to Carti-Tupile, ca. 350-400 m, Kennedy 2531 (MO). Peluca Meterological Station, Kennedy & Dressler 2976 (MO). 12-16 km above Panamerican Highway, El Llano to Carti-Tupile Road, Kennedy et al. 3128 (MO). 2-3 mi S of Goofy Lake, Lewis et al. 261 (F, GH, K, MO, NY, PA, UC, US). Cerro Campana, Lewis et al. 1920 (GH, MO, UC, US). Altos del Rio Pacora, 2500 ft, Lewis et al. 2302 (MO, UC). Cerro Campana, McDaniel 6887 (MO). Cerro Jefe, Mori 7108 (MO). Cerro Campana, 45 km SW of Panama City, Mori & Bolten 7687 (MO). Road past Cerro Azul, Mori & Kallunki 2182A (MO). 4.5 km N of Lago Cerro Azul, 675 m, Nee 7037 (MO). Cerro Azul, Porter et al. 4110 (MO, SCZ, UC, VEN). Cerro Campana, Porter et al. 4160, 4246 (both MO). Capira, Saldafia 6 (MO). Cerro Jefe, Tyson 3441, 3590 (both MO). Cerro Campana, Webster & Breckon 16505 (MO). Cerro Jefe, Wilbur & Weaver 11096 (MO). Arraijan, Woodson et al. 777, 1400 (both MO). SAN BLAS: Between Rio Diablo and Rio Acuati, Duke 14893 (MO). VERAGUAS: Cerro Tuti, Folsom & Edwards 3343 (MO).
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