Zanthoxylum kellermanii P. Wilson, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 195. 1911;Z. riedelianum ssp. kellermanii (P. Wilson) Reynel; Z. mayanum Standl.; Z. pittieri P. Wilson.
Arboles, 10–25 m de alto, troncos y ramas armados con acúleos, occasionally ramitas with few to numerous striaght spines, rarely also on leaflet midribs and inflorescence banches, without short-shoots, without zig-zag growth form; apical bud 1.1-2 mm de ancho, densely appressed pubescent; ramitas 4-10 mm de ancho, densely appressed pubescent. Hojas alternately evenly distributed, imparipinnadas or paripinnadas, 24-46 cm de largo, rachis terete, 2-3 mm de ancho; folíolos 9-15, lateral folíolos oblongos, 5-15 cm de largo y 2.9-6 cm de ancho, ápice obtuse or rounded and then cuspidate, base inaequilateral, acute, obtuse or rounded, margen inconspicuously serrulate to entero, slightly revolute at base, scattered minute appressed hairs, chartaceous, 11-17 pairs of secondary veins; petioules 2-5 mm de largo. Panículas subterminal and axilares, 24-30 cm de largo, 3 or 4 times branched, rachis terete, densely puberulent, pedicels 0.3-1 mm de largo y ca 0.2 mm de ancho, sparsely to densely puberulent; flowers 5-merous; sépalos deltoid, at most 1/5 length of pétalos, sparse to dense puberulent and ciliate, persistent; pétalos 1.5-2 mm de largo; carpels 3-5. Folículos 1–4 with remnants of 1 or 2 aborted carpels retained, connados lateralmente, 6-7 mm de largo, minutely puberulent, without stipe; seeds ca 4 mm de largo.
Poco frecuente, bosques húmedos, zonas norcentral y atlántica; 50–700 m; fl ago, fr mar; Sandino 4532, Stevens 5844; southern Mexico to Peru. Reynel (1995) treated this as a subspecies (combination not made) of Z. riedelianum Engl., of southern South America. We keep separate based on pubescence type of inflorescence and leaflets (villous in Z. riedelianum, but sometimes glabrate on leaflets) and the free to barely connate follicles of Z. riedelianum.