Armitage - 120/54 - Zimbabwe
Balaka - 822 - Malawi
Bouxin - 849 - Rwanda
Chapman - 6548 - Malawi
Chapman - 7951 - Malawi
Chapman - 7990 - Malawi
Chapman - 8008 - Malawi
Chase - 48346 - Zimbabwe
Chase - 4956 - Zimbabwe
Chase - 8059 - Zimbabwe
Christiaensen - 1834 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Conrads - 461 - Tanzania
de Wilde - 10262 - Ethiopia
de Wilde - 335 - Ethiopia
de Wilde - 4602 - Ethiopia
de Wilde - 5726 - Ethiopia
de Wilde - 5891 - Ethiopia
de Wilde - 6257 - Ethiopia
de Wilde - 6743 - Ethiopia
de Wilde - 7025 - Ethiopia
de Wilde - 9915 - Ethiopia
Dechamps - 11663 - Uganda
Dümmer - 298 - Uganda
Dümmer - 496 - Uganda
Faden - 74/911 - Kenya
Faden - 77/787 - Kenya
Fay - 6857 - Central African Republic
Gilbert - 2343 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Gilbert - 2667 - Ethiopia
Goldsmith - 17/70 - Zimbabwe
Jansen - 7708 - Mozambique
Katende - K1811 - Uganda
Katende - s.n. - Uganda
Kirkham - 2/52 - Zimbabwe
Lebrun - 2884 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lebrun - 8312 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lebrun - 8840 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lebrun - 9849 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lewalle - 3092 - Burundi
Lewalle - 4342 - Burundi
Louis - 5923 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Maas Geesteranus - 5063 - Kenya
Maas Geesteranus - 6304 - Kenya
Machin - 791 - Kenya
Merello - 956 - Zambia
Muller - 3203 - Zimbabwe
Muller - 3665 - Zimbabwe
Pappi - 4517 - Eritrea
Pardy - R.23 - Zimbabwe
Paulo - s.n. - Kenya
Pichi Sermolli - 248 - Ethiopia
Quarré - 5480 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Reekmans - 10457 - Burundi
Reekmans - 2737 - Burundi
Reekmans - 3880 - Burundi
Robertson (Chambers) - 4087 - Kenya
Runyinya - 214 - Rwanda
Rwaburindore - 5873 - Uganda
Salt - s.n. - Ethiopia
Salubeni - 1236 - Malawi
Salubeni - 2911 - Malawi
Salubeni - 3056 - Malawi
Schimper - 1293 - Ethiopia
Stolz - 1586 - Tanzania
Strid - 2254 - Zambia
Tanner - 952 - Tanzania
Thomas - 3906 - Tanzania
Troupin - 8117 - Rwanda
Troupin - 8563 - Rwanda