(Last Modified On 8/14/2013)
(Last Modified On 8/14/2013)
Angelonia angustifolia Benth.
DC., Prodr. 10: 254. 1846.
TYPE: Mexico, not seen.
Erect perennial herbs to 60 cm tall, rarely scapose, the stems sparingly pilose with peak, multicellular gland-tipped hairs, drying sulcate. Leaves subopposite, oblanceolate, apically acuminate or acute, basally acute, minutely and distantly serrate in the distal half, the midvein prominent, the 2-3 lateral veins often indistinct, glabrous; petiole not defined, the leaf base concaulescent forming a pair of ridges on the stem. Inflorescences solitary flowers in the leaf axils, aggregated to form terminal racemes with reduced leaves; pedicels slender, 10-15 mm long, sparingly pilose, basally flanked by two minute, glabrous, acicular, scalelike bracts. Flowers showy, zygomorphic, the calyx 3-4 mm long, 5-lobed to the base, the lobes ovate, apically acuminate, glabrous; corolla blue or violet with a green throat, 15-20 mm long, 2-lipped, the lips wide spreading, the upper lip 2-lobed with a shallow sinus, the lower lip with 3 spatulate lobes 6-10 mm long, the lobes all subequal, punctate dorsally, punctate and puberulent inside, sometimes ciliolate, the tube campanulate, apically 2-saccate on the lower side and. with a short appendage (staminode?); stamens 4, alike, the filaments inserted near the base of the tube, the anthers 2-locular with divaricate, basally connate thecas situated against the top of the tube, not exserted; ovary narrowly ellipsoidal, the style short, the stigma situated among the anthers. Capsule sub- globose, half exserted from the persistent calyx lobes, 4-8 mm across, dehiscing to the base into 2 valves, the placentas becoming honeycomblike.
This species is recognizable with its narrow glabrous leaves, showy, unusual shaped flowers, and small, globose capsules.
ranges from Mexico to Panama and is most common along the Caribbean lowlands.
In Panama, most collections are from Bocas del Toro. This species is also cultivated as an ornamental, and the collections cited from the Canal Zone are all cultivated plants. "Porto Bello" (Nicaragua); "Boca de la Vieja" (Guatemala); "Angelon" (Colombia).
Porto Bello Boca de la Vieja
BOCAS DEL TORO: Almirante, Blum 1369 (MO). Isla Colon, Wedel 62 (MO). Old Bank Island, Wedel 1961 (MO, US). Careening Cay, Wedel 2811 (MO, NY, US). Bastimientos, Wedel 2914 (MO, NY). cocLE: Nata, Allen 821 (MO, NY, US). Boca del Toabre at con- fluence of Rio Cocle del Norte, Lewis et al. 5572 (DS, MO). Aguadulce, Pittier 4857 (US). PANAMA: Cultivated, Caniasas, 100 m, Duke 145002 (MO). Without other locality, Heriberto 294 (US). Garden in Panama City, Maurice 755 (US). Sabana de Dormisolo near Chepo, Pittier 4664 (US). Juan Diaz, Standley 30525 (US).
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