15. Veronica triphyllos L.
Pl. 489 c–e; Map
Plants annual,
with slender taproots. Stems 5–17 cm long, erect or ascending, sometimes from a
spreading base (not rooting at the lower nodes), moderately to densely
pubescent with spreading, mostly glandular hairs. Leaves sessile or
short-petiolate. Leaf blades 0.7–1.5 cm long, 1.0–1.2 times as long as wide,
ovate to broadly ovate, mostly broadest below the midpoint, broadly angled to
broadly rounded or truncate at the base, not clasping the stems, palmately
3–7(9)-lobed, the lobes rounded or broadly and bluntly to occasionally sharply
pointed at their tips, the margins flat, otherwise entire or rarely with a
small, blunt tooth along 1 or both margins, the surfaces moderately to densely
pubescent with short, glandular hairs. Inflorescences terminal, spikelike
racemes, these short and condensed at the start of flowering, but elongating
with age, often extending nearly to the stem base but not appearing as solitary
axillary flowers, with 4–12 flowers, the axis visible between the flowers
(except sometimes at the start of flowering), the bracts 3–10 mm long, the
lowermost similar in size to the foliage leaves, gradually reduced, those
toward the inflorescence tip noticeably smaller than the foliage leaves, more
or less ovate in outline, deeply 3(5)-lobed, the lobes slender. Flower stalks
2–5 mm long at flowering (to 8[–12] mm at fruiting), mostly shorter than the
calyces at flowering, upcurved to ascending at flowering and fruiting. Calyces
3–4 mm long (to 8 mm at fruiting), the lobes unequal, the upper 2 lobes shorter
than the lower 2 lobes, deeply 4-lobed, the lobes broadly oblanceolate to
oblong-oblanceolate, pubescent with spreading, glandular hairs. Corollas
3.0–4.5 mm wide (2.5–3.5 mm long), blue with darker veins, the throat white or
more commonly yellowish-tinged or light green, the tube appearing relatively
broad, wider than long, the lobes more or less bell-shaped. Style 1.2–1.6 mm
long at fruiting. Fruits 4.2–5.5 mm long, about as long as wide or more
commonly slightly longer, more or less heart-shaped in profile, flattened, the
notch relatively deep (0.8–1.1 mm), the surfaces glandular-hairy, dehiscing
along the sutures into 2 valves. Seeds mostly 6–12 per locule, 1.5–2.0 mm long,
cup-shaped (deeply concave on one side, convex on the other), the convex
surface appearing cross-wrinkled, brown. 2n=14. April–June.
uncommon, known thus far only from St. Charles and St. Louis Counties (native
of Europe; introduced sporadically in the western, central and southeastern
U.S.). Edges of crop fields, roadsides, and open, disturbed areas.
This species was
first reported for Missouri by Yatskievych and Sullivan (1992).