(Last Modified On 8/16/2013)
(Last Modified On 8/16/2013)
Stemodia verticillata (Miller) Hassl.
Contr. Fl. Chaco (Trab. Mus. Farmac. Fac. Ciencias Med. Buenos Aires 21): 110. 1909.
Erinus verticillatus Miller, Gard. Dict. ed. 8. 1768. TYPE: America, Houston, not seen. Stemodia parviflora Aiton W. T., Hortus Kew. ed. 2. 4: 52. 1812. Based on Erinus verticillatus Mill. Lindernia verticillata Britton in Britton & Wilson, Bot. Porto Rico 6: 184. 1925. Lendneria humilis (Solander) Minod, Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve ser. 2. 10: 241. 1918. Capraria humilis Solander, in Aiton W. T., Hortus Kew. ed. 1. 2: 354. 1789. TYPE: not seen. fide Sprague, Kew Bull. 1921: 211. 1921. Stemodia humilis (Solander) Dawson, Revista Mus. La. Plata, Secc. Bot. 8: 14. 1956. not S. humilis Minod (1918). Stemodiacra verticillata (Miller) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. P1. 2: 466. 1891. Stemodia arenaria H.B.K., Nov. Gen. P1. 2: 357, tab. 175. 1817. TYPE: Colombia, Bonpland (?P, not seen). ?Conobea pumila Spreng., Novi Prov. Hort. Acad. Hal. 13. 1819. TYPE: Cult. Berlin, from Brasil, not seen. fide Minod (1918); Sprague 1921: 211. 1921. Stemodia verticillata (Miller) Sprague, Kew Bull. 1921: 211. 1921. redundant combination. ?Poarium veronicoides Desv. ex Hamilton, Prodr. P1. Ind. Occ. 46. 1825. TYPE: Hispaniola, Desvaux, not seen. Herpestis diffusa Willd. ex Cham. & Schlecht., Linnaea 3: 6. 1828. TYPE: herb. Willd. 11444 (B, not seen; microfiche MO), in syn. Stemodia pauciflora Rusby, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 6: 93. 1896. S. parviflora Ait., orth. mut.
Erect or sprawling diminutive herbs to 15 cm tall, the stems slender, freely branching, drying angled, pilose with weak translucent hairs. Leaves opposite or ternate, broadly ovate, mostly 10-15 mm long, 8-12 mm wide, apically rounded or obtuse, basally cuneate to truncate, the margins conspicuously serrate with 7-9 teeth on each side, the teeth often double, the venation pinnate with ca. 4 lateral veins on each side, sparingly pilose on both sides, soon glabrescent above, not noticeably punctate or glandular; petioles about ? as long as the leaves, slender but broadening upwards, pilose above, pubescent beneath. Inflorescences solitary in the leaf axils, often geminate or ternate, the pedicels short, ca. 1 mm long, drying angled, ebracteate. Flowers with the calyx 5-lobed to near the base, the lobes alike, linear, separate, costate, hyaline margined, 3 mm long, glandular pilose, corolla blue or purplish with a white eye, tubular, 5 mm long, 2-lipped, the upper lip truncate, apically sinuate or emarginate, saccate, puberulent out- side, the inside bearded at the throat with stout, whitish clavate, unicellular hairs, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes truncate, glabrate, the tube white with dark lines, ciliate on the angles, slightly curved, otherwise glabrate outside, the inside generally pubescent on the dorsal side and near the bottom with long slender unicellular hairs; stamens 4 in 2 pairs, the ventral pair inserted ca. 1 mm above the bottom of the corolla tube, free ca. 2 mm, glabrous, the thecae reduced, ca. 0.15 mm long, parallel, separated by the somewhat enlarged connective, the dorsal pair inserted slightly unequally slightly above the ventral pair, 1 mm free, the thecae strongly divaricate, separated by the enlarged connective, 0.3 mm long, a short staminode inserted at the base of the tube between the 2 dorsal anthers; ovary glabrous, smooth, narrowly ovoid conical, compressed, the style stout, short, 1.0-1.5 mm long, basally expanded, the stigma compressed obtuse with conspicuous lateral appendages, ultimately recurving. Fruit a globose capsule ca. 1.25 mm across, dehiscing loculicidally and septicidally as far down as the septum (ca. ?/2 way down), the style persistent on 1 valve, the placenta ellipsoidal, ca. 1 mm long, extending little more than ?/2 the length of the capsule, punctate, the septum thickening, indurate below, the lower ?/2 persistent with the placenta and the lower ?/2 of the capsule, above narrow, and not persisting after dehis- cence; seeds oblong to pyriform, 0.5 mm long, brownish yellow, longitudinally ca. 8 sulcate, the surface minutely rugose.
Minod (1918) segregated this species from Stemodia as the monotypic genus Lendneria, calling attention to a slightly different corolla shape, and a capsule dehiscent only ?/2 way down. These differences appear to be elaborations of trends evident in other species of Stemodia and do not suggest a differentiation of generic magnitude. The general configuration of the style, structure and insertion of the androecium, and longitudinal furrowing and minutely textured surface of the seeds are all consistent with the variability of taxons recognized within Stemodia.
ranges from Mexico to Argentina, and it is present in the Antilles.
It occurs as a weed of cultivation and other disturbance. It is reputed to have medicinal uses.
Hierba santa Corrimiento
BOCAS DEL TORO: Nievecita, Woodson et al. 1858 (MO, NY). CANAL ZONE: Pipeline Road to 18 km N of Gamboa, D'Arcy 10636A (MO). Chagres, Fendler 216 (MO). SE side of Madden Lake near Puente Natural, Nee & Hansen 14077 (MO). Cerro Gordo near Culebra, Standley 26037 (US). Sosa Hill, Balboa, Standley 26490 (US). Rio Paraiso above East Paraiso, Standley 29886 (US). Summit, Standley 30137 (US). Fort Sherman, Standley 30945 (US). Barro Colorado Island, Standley 41004 (US). DARIEN: Boca de Cupe, 40 m, Allen 897 (MO, US). LOS SANTOS: Rio Tonosi near Tonosi, Lewis et al. 1580 (MO). PANAMA: Sabanas N of Panama City, Paul 588 (US). Isla Taboga, Woodson et al. 1468 (MO, NY). SAN BLAS: Be- tween Cangandi and Mandinga, Duke 14755 (MO, OS).
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