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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/9/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/9/2013)
Species Picramnia corallodendron Tul.
PlaceOfPublication Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Ser. 3. 7: 259. 1847.
Description Small trees; branchlets yellowish appressed-tomentulose. Leaves alternate, pinnate, 17-27 cm long; petiole and the rachis yellowish appressed-tomentulose; leaflets 10-15, mainly an even number, alternate to subopposite, elliptic, or the lowermost ovate, narrowly short-acuminate apically, acute or rounded and markedly inequilateral basally, the margins entire, revolute, chartaceous, yellowish appressed-tomentulose above and beneath on the main vein and marginally, the blade sparingly pubescent, soon glabrate, 26-115 mm long and 11-35 mm wide, the terminal leaflets largest, the lowermost smallest and reflexed, the petiolules yellowish appressed-tomentulose, 1-2 mm long. Staminate racemes and flowers unknown. Carpellate racemes solitary or in pairs, yellowish appressed-tomen- tulose, 28-40 cm long. Carpellate flowers 5-merous, apparently subopposite in pairs, only 1 of a pair forming fruits, the pedicels yellowish appressed-puberulent, thickened apically, articulated basally, ca. 1 cm long in fruit; sepals 5, lanceolate, apiculate, appressed-puberulent, connate basally, persistent and appressed in fruit, 1.5-2 mm long and less than 1 mm wide; petals 5, linear, ca. as long as sepals; ovary obovoid, densely appressed-puberulent, 2-loculed, ovules 2 per locule, the style bilobed, appressed-puberulent basally, the lobes ca. 1.5 mm long, recurved and persisting in fruit. Berries red, obovoid, appressed-puberulent, ca. 1.5 cm long; seed 1.
Habit Small trees
Distribution Panama, Colombia, and Peru; perhaps also in Ecuador and Bolivia.
Note In Panama known to fruit in September.
Specimen PANAMA: Woods along PanAmerican Highway ca. halfway between El Llano and Rio Mamoni, Duke 5649 (F, MO).
Note Picramnia corallodendron apparently is a plant of monsoon forests. It has not hitherto been reported from Panama.
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