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Specimen coordinates in square brackets [ ] have been approximated based on political units.
Country UpperLowerElevationLatitudeLongitudeDateQual.CollectorsColl NoInstitutions
  Herb. BurserXXIV: 45UPS
Bulgaria [42°43'33"N] [025°36'19"E] 12 July 1963 D. A. Webbs.n.TCD
France [46°14'15"N] [002°33'26"E] June 1870 REVERCHONs.n.LY
France [46°14'15"N] [002°33'26"E] June 1870 REVERCHONs.n.LY
France [46°14'15"N] [002°33'26"E] June 1869 Henri Bordères.n.LY
France [46°14'15"N] [002°33'26"E] 14 July 1850 Michel Gandogers.n.LY
FranceAlpes-Maritimes 1000 m 43°44'32"N 006°53'58"E 31 May 1976 Xavier Delannay1913MO
FranceRhone 16 March 1868 Michel Gandogers.n.LY
Spain [39°53'28"N] [002°51'12"W] 21 April 1908 Hermano Elias Brother Leon639JE
Spain [39°53'28"N] [002°51'12"W] 21 April 1908 Hermano Elias Brother Leon639MA
SpainGuipuzcoa 475 m 17 April 1985 F. Garín13310MO
SwitzerlandVaud 17 June 1956 Frederick Comte559MO
SwitzerlandVaud 1450 m 04 July 1959 Frederick Comte3054MO
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