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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/30/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/30/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Hist. PL. Gui. Fr. 538, t.213. 1775
Reference Johnston, Sargentia 8: 192. 1949.
Synonym Apeiba hirsuta Lam., Encycl. MWth. Bot. 1: 203. 1783. Apeiba cimbalaria Arruda, Diss. PI. Brazil 46. 1810. Apeiba tibourbou var. rugosa Szyszyl., Diss. Math.-Phys. Acad. Crac. 27: 140. 1894.
Description Tree 6-30 m. high, the trunk 20-35 cm. or even more in diam., sometimes with small buttresses, the crown spreading, the branchlets densely hirsute. Leaves with a petiole 1.3-3 cm. long, densely long-hispid, the stipules triangular, acuminate at the apex, the margins entire or serrate, 2-3 cm. long and ca. 1 cm. wide at the base, densely scriceous without, glabrous within except the sericeous base, rather tardily deciduous; blade ovate, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, sometimes slightly obovate, cordate at the base, acute to long-apiculate at the apex, 10-33 cm. long and 5.5-15 cm. wide, firm-chartaceous, the margins serrulate, more or less rugose and rather sparsely stellate-puberulous above, densely stellate-arachnoid be- neath, 5(-7)-palminerved, the nervation prominent beneath. Inf lorescences oppositifolious, the axes covered with 2 kinds of hairs, a lower tier densely and shortly stellate-puberulous and an upper tier more or less sparsely long-hirsute, the bracts stipuliform, densely sericeous without, glabrous or nearly so within. Flowers with a pedicel 0.8-1.7 cm. long, the sepals 4-5, lanceolate to oblong- lanceolate, cucullate and acute, 1.5-2.2 cm. long and 0.5-0.4 cm. wide, fleshy, covered with 2 kinds of hairs, a lower tier densely and shortly stellate-puberulous and an upper tier sparsely long-sericeous, glabrous within; petals 4-5, spatulate to more or less obovate, rounded and somewhat emarginate, 1.1-1.6 cm. long and 0.5-0.8 cm. wide, yellow, glabrous; stamens free to slightly connate, the filaments 3.5-4.5 mm. long, sparsely long-pilose especially above, the anthers linear, ca. 3-3.5 mm. long, sparsely long-pilose especially at the base and along the margins, the appendage often bifid and ca. 1 mm. long; ovary more or less globose, somewhat depressed at both ends, ca. 3 mm. long and 4.5 mm. broad, densely and shortly hirsute, many-celled; style 0.8-1.2 cm. long, glabrous; stigma shortly denticulate.
Habit Tree
Description Capsule transversely elliptic, somewhat concave at the apex, ca. 4 cm. long and 7-8 cm. broad, very densely covered with long, flexible and stout bristles, these up to 1.5 cm. long and hirsute; seeds more or less globose, somewhat flattened, ca. 2.5 mm. in diam.
Distribution Throughout tropical Central and South America, in dry forests and thickets or in open sunlight, at edge of savannas and along roads.
Common peine de mico monkey-comb
Common cortezo cortez
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Chagres, Isthmus of Panama, Fendler 326; near Fort Randolph, Maxon & Harvey 6528a; Gatun, Hayes 106, 193, 220, 1034; lake shore along Gatun River Valley, Pittier 6743; Barro Colorado Island, Bangham 376, 390, Ebinger 262, Kenoyer 431, Killip 40011, Salvoza 850, Shattuck 287, Starry 143, Wetmore & Abbe 44, 124, Woodworth & Vestal 352, 504, 694, Zetek 5084; Mamei Hill, alt. 20-90 in., Pittier 3799; around Gamboa, alt. 20-1C0 mi., Pittier 4801; Cerro Gordo, near Culebra, Standley 25960; Pedro Miguel, Piper 5515; Cerro Luisa, above Pedro Miguel Locks, Stern & Chambers 7; between Miraflores and Pedro Miguel, P. & G. White 48; C2 east of Fort Clayton, Harvey 5105; vicinity of Rio Cocoli, Road K-9, Stern, Chambers, Dwyer, Ebinger 323, 331; Balboa, Standley 29290; about 2 miles west of Balboa, Correll 12254; Balboa Heights, J.M. & M.T. Greenman 5058; western s'ope of Ancon Hill, vic. of Balboa. 20-75 in., Seibert 391; Ancon Hill, Bro. Gervais 311, Bro. Heriberto 132, Killip 12111, Maxon 6776; sabanas along drowned Rio Azote Caballo, 66-70 in., Dodge, Steyermark & Allen 16849; locality unknown, Johansen 8. CHI.RIQUi: Progresso, Cooper & Slater 163. COCLL: Penonom6 and vicinity, R.S. Williams 320. DARIEN: vicinity of El Real, ca. i5 m., Allen 960; trail between CanA and Boca de Cupe, vicinity of El Real, along road to Rfo Pirre, Stern, Chambers, Dwyer, Ebinger 601; vicinity of Campamento Buena Vista, Rio Chucunaque above confluence with Rio Tuquesa, Stern, Chambers, Dwyer, Ebinger 860. PANAMA: near Arraijan, ca. 15 in., Woodson, Allen & Seibert 1362; Pan- ama, Seemann 316; Sabanas, Bro. Paul 71; Bella Vista, Macbride 2745; east of Bella Vista, Maxon & Valentine 6936; near Matias Hernandez, Standley 28950; near the big swamp east of the Rio Tocumen, Standley 26547; along road between Panama and Chepo, Dodge, Hunter, S-eyermark & Allen 16631; Chepo, Kluge 57; 5-6 mi. e. of Chepo on Pan-Am. High- way, Duke 4051; Taboga Island, Killip 3200; Pedro Gonzalez Island, Allen 2601; San Jose Island, Erlanson 99, 247, 289, Harlow 64, Johnston 8. SAN BLAS: Perme, Cooper 236: locality unknown, Cooper 277. VERAGUAS: vicinity Santa Fe - Rio Santa Maria, 1,000 ft., Allen 4415.
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