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Specimen coordinates in square brackets [ ] have been approximated based on political units.
Country UpperLowerElevationLatitudeLongitudeDateQual.CollectorsColl NoInstitutions
ArgentinaMendozaLas Heras 3300 m 32°49'00"S 070°04'00"W 29/III/1979 Knud Rahn & S. Ødum4808MO
ArgentinaMendozaLas Heras 2743 m Jan 8, 1936 Ynés Mexia7840MO
ArgentinaMendozaLas Heras 2800 m 3/I/1950 Oliverio Paci152MO
ArgentinaSan JuanCalingasta 3700 m 25/02/1975 R. Luti & J.C. Barrera5455CORD
ArgentinaSan JuanCalingasta 3530 m 31°45'00"S 070°24'00"W 28/01/1997 Renée H. Fortunato, A. Adelqui & Roberto Kiesling5628BAB
ArgentinaSan JuanCalingasta 3600-3700 m 31°40'00"S 070°20'00"W 2/III/1992 Roberto Kiesling, Carola R. Volponi, Melanie DeVore & V. Troiano8096MO
ArgentinaSan JuanCalingasta 3530 m 31°45'00"S 070°24'00"W 28/01/1997 Renée H. Fortunato, A. Adelqui & Roberto Kiesling5628MO
Chile 2800 m [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] Feb 5, 1936 James West5245UC
Chile 2800 m [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] Feb 5, 1936 James West5245MO
Chile 2800 m [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] Feb 5, 1936 James West5245BM
Chile 2000 m [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] 15 December 1976 Otto Zöllner9121MO
Chile 2800 m [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] Feb 5, 1936 James West5245MO
Chile [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W]   J.J. Bernhardi47MO
ChileCoquimbo 3320 - 3450 m Dec 21, 1938 John L. Morrison16976MO
ChileCoquimboElqui 1400-1900 m Oct 10, 1939 R. Wagenknecht18460MO
ChileSantiago 2400 m Januar 1936 Carlos Grandjots.n.MO
ChileSantiago 2150 m 33°49'01"S 070°05'01"W 29/12/1990 Sebastián Teillier & L. González2305MO
ChileSantiago 2000 m 18 February 1981 Otto Zöllner10921MO
ChileSantiagoCordillera 2520 m 33°00'01"S 070°00'02"W 14 January 1993 C.M. Taylor & Roy E. Gereau10918MO
ChileValparaisoLos Andes 2250 m 32°50'00"S 070°10'00"W 26 December 1978 James C. Solomon & Andrea Solomon4242MO
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