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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/15/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/15/2013)
Species Turnera ulmifolia L.
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1. 271, 1753
Description Herb, erect, or small shrub, the branchlets usually densely pilose throughout, the hairs simple, pale, often appressed upwards. Leaves short- to moderately long- petiolate, the petiole to 10 mm long, usually densely appressed-puberulous; blade elliptic to narrowly elliptic, sometimes almost linear, infrequently obovate, the base attenuate-cuneate and conspicuously 2-glandular, sometimes inconspicuously so or rarely eglandular, the apex acute to rarely subacute, the margins serrate- crenate especially above the half, to 5 cm long and 2 cm wide, thin-chartaceous, puberulous on both sides, but the indumentum always denser and often grayish beneath, the costa and secondary veins slightly prominent below. Flowers axillary, solitary, heterostylous; pedicels shorter than to equalling the petioles of the sub- tending leaves and adnate to them; bracteoles linear-subulate, to 10 mm long and ca 0.5 mm wide, puberulous; hypanthium ca 5-7 mm long, puberulous; sepals nar- rowly triangular, ca 9-11 mm long and 2 mm wide at the base, puberulous out- side; petals inserted near the throat of the hypanthium, long-unguiculate, to 22 mm long, yellow, sometimes dark purple or brownish at the base; stamens inserted towards the base of the hypanthium, the filaments in short-styled flowers to 12 mm long, in long-styled ones to 8 mm long, the anthers ca 3 mm long; ovary densely sericeous; style in short-styled flowers ca 5 mm long, in long-styled ones to 10 mm long, the stigmas densely penicillate. Capsules broadly ellipsoid, ca 3-4 mm high, the pericarp greenish, tuberculate and densely sericeous to sparsely short-pilose; seeds slightly arcuate, ca 2.5 mm long, glabrous.
Habit Herb shrub
Distribution A species highly variable vegetatively and distributed throughout the range of the genus.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: Frances Arriba School, ca 14 mi N of David, alt 1200 ft, Lewis et al. 652 (MO); 5 mi S of Boquete toward David, elev 2800 ft, common along rd, McDaniel 6795 (MO); llanos W of Gualaca, alt 500 ft, Allen 5043 (MO). COCLE: vie of Ola, alt 100-350 m, Pittier 5057 (US); Aguadulce, in savannas nr sea level, Pittier 4878 (US); Penonome, Ebinger 1009 (MO), Williams 183 (US); betw Las Margaritas & El Valle, Woodson et al. 1717 (MO); Anton, Dwyer 7040 (MO); Rio Hato Airstrip, Blum & Dwyer 2476 (MO), Burch et al. 1128 (MO); Santa Clara beach, Ebinger 1137 (MO), Woodson et al. 1699 (F, MO), 1701 (F, MO); La Venta, Allen 2967 (MO). LOS SANTOS: Pocri, Dwyer 1121 (MO); Playa de la Concepcion, Burch et al. 1262 (MO). PANAMA: Rio Mar, Dwyer 1801 (MO), Ebinger 495 (MO), Tyson et al. 2314 (MO); San Carlos, Dwyer 4259 (MO); Sabanas N of Panama City, Bro. Paul 426 (US); along rd betw Panama City & Chepo, Dodge et al. 16682 (MO); along rd to Rio Pacora, alt ca 50 m, Allen 818 (F, MO, US). VERAGUAS: ca 5 mi NE of La Mesa, Blum & Tyson 655 (MO).
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