Deciduous tree, up to 50 m tall, younger parts densely pubescent with stellate hairs. Leaves broadly elliptic, (10-)25-50(-80) cm long, (5-)20-40(-50) cm broad, entire to repand-dentate, acute or shortly acuminate, glabrescent, shining-green above, paler and tomentose beneath. Terminal cymes usually 30-40 cm long, and nearly as broad. Flowers c. 6 mm across, white, rarely pinkish. Calyx 3-4.5 mm long, campanulate, 5-7-toothed, bladder-like and enlarged up to 2.5 cm in fruit, brittle and dry. Corolla-tube 1.5-3 mm long; lobes 5-7, ovate-elliptic, 2.5-3 mm long, straight or reflexed. Stamens 2.5-4 mm long, exserted. Fruit subglobose to tetragonally flattened, c. 1.5 cm in diameter, tomentose, usually slightly 4-lobed at the apex.