3. Viola bicolor Pursh (Johnny-jump-up, field pansy, wild
V. kitaibeliana Roem. & Schult. var. rafinesquei
(Greene) Fernald
V. rafinesquei Greene
Pl. 575 d–g; Map
Plants annual,
with a slender, vertical taproot 1–2 mm thick. Stems 4–25 cm long, erect or
ascending. Leaves alternate and basal, subsessile to long-petiolate, the
petiole glabrous. Stipules relatively large and leaflike, free from the
petiole, deeply lobed with a fringe of several, long, linear or
oblong-lanceolate segments on each side, the terminal segment similar to the
lateral ones, entire or with 1(2) pair(s) of blunt or rounded teeth along the
margins. Leaf blades 0.7–3.0 cm long, unlobed, obspatulate to nearly circular,
rounded or angled to a bluntly or sharply pointed tip, truncate to rounded at
the base, the margins otherwise entire or with 1(2) pair(s) of blunt or rounded
teeth, the surfaces glabrous. Cleistogamous flowers rarely produced (not
observed in Missouri specimens). Flower stalks not or only slightly overtopping
the leaves (those of the cleistogamous flowers erect or ascending). Sepals 3–5
mm long, lanceolate, angled to a sharply pointed tip, the margins glabrous, the
basal auricles well-developed. Corollas 4–12 mm long, appearing strongly
frontally flattened in life, the petals longer than the sepals, pale blue to
occasionally light blue or nearly white (the upper petals lacking dark blue
tips), often with darker veins or dark purple lines, with a yellow throat (this
usually best-developed on the lower petal), the lateral petals bearded on the
upper surface with mostly knob-shaped hairs, the lowermost petal glabrous on
the upper surface, the spur 1.0–1.5 mm long, well-exserted beyond the sepal
auricles, relatively stout. Stamens not exserted, typically not visible without
dissection of the flower. Style enlarged into a globose, hollow stigmatic tip.
Fruits 4–6 mm long, broadly ellipsoid, green, drying to tan, the surface
glabrous. Seeds 1.3–1.5 mm long, tan. 2n=34. March–May.
Common south of
the Missouri River, scattered farther north (eastern U.S. west to South Dakota,
Arizona, and Idaho, Canada). Glades, disturbed margins of loess hill prairies,
ledges and tops of bluffs, savannas, openings of bottomland and upland forest,
and banks of streams, rivers, and spring branches; also old fields, pastures,
fallow fields, margins of crop fields, gardens, railroads, roadsides, and open
disturbed areas.
(1963) reviewed the long-standing controversy on whether this taxon is native
in North America, but did not express an opinion. Russell (1965) also discussed
the topic, concluding that Shinners (1961) had provided a convincing case for
its nativity (albeit with weedy tendencies) in eastern temperate North America.
It is also accepted as a member of the native flora in the present treatment.
Although some botanists have treated the taxon as a variety of the European V.
kitaibeliana, its morphology and chromosome number differ from that
As in some other
members of the Violaceae, V. bicolor contains quantities of methyl
salicylate (oil of wintergreen) in its taproot. It is a well-known winter
annual with a complex seed dormancy. Unlike other pansies in Europe (or
introduced as weeds here in North America), it apparently rarely produces
cleistogamous flowers.