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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/15/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/15/2013)
Species Rinorea brachythrix Blake
PlaceOfPublication Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 510, pl. 34, 1924.
Description Shrub, the branchlets sparsely hirtellous or glabrous. Leaves opposite, the petiole flattened and subcanaliculate above, 7-14 mm long, minutely hirtellous; blade slightly inequilateral or not, narrowly ovate, acute to obtuse at the base, acuminate at the apex, remotely serrulate with black, gland-tipped teeth at the margins, 11.5-17 cm long and 4-5.5 cm wide, rigid-chartaceous, minutely hirtellous along the midvein to glabrous above, sparsely strigose along the prominent mid- vein to glabrous beneath. Racemes terminal, up to 4 cm long, the rhachis densely hirtellous. Flowers with the pedicels 3-4 mm long, articulate below the middle, densely hirtellous, the bracteoles triangular-ovate, acute, carinate dorsally, ca 1.5 m long, ciliolate, hirtellous to hirsute along the carina; sepals subequal, broadly ovate, acute, 2-2.5 mm long and 1.6-2 mm wide, ciliolate, appressed-hirtellous especially towards the apex; petals ovate to narrowly ovate, obtuse and reflexed, ca 5 mm long and 1.8-2.2 mm wide, yellow, sparsely ciliolate towards the base; stamens 3.8-4 mm long, the filaments free, very short, scarcely 0.4 mm long, the dorsal appendages about as long as the filaments; anthers ca 2 mm long, each theca mucronate, the connectives dilated from the base into brownish, ovate, obtuse, obscurely erosulose scales exceeding the anthers by ca 1.5 mm; ovary ovoid, densely strigillose, the placentae 2-ovulate, the style ca 2.8 mm long, strigillose below. Capsule (immature) ellipsoid-globose, apiculate, densely strigillose, the seeds sparsely short-hirsute.
Habit Shrub
Distribution Native to Panama.
Native Panama
Specimen DARIEN: vic of La Palma, alt 0-50 m, on hills, Pittier 6601 (holotype US).
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