1. Cissus trifoliata (L.) L. (marine vine, marine ivy)
C. incisa (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Des Moul.
Pl. 579 a–d; Map
Plants lianas
(in Missouri, woody only toward the base), but sometimes dying back to the
ground during cold winters and thus appearing herbaceous, with tuberous roots,
often mostly with perfect flowers. Young stems somewhat angled and often
somewhat succulent, pale green to green or reddish-tinged, glabrous. Older
stems 2–6(–10 m) long, gray to less commonly brown, warty with orange to
reddish orange lenticels, the pith white, not chambered. Tendrils at scattered
nodes, sometimes few, occasionally also in the inflorescence, mostly
unbranched, the tip slender. Leaves fleshy, the blades 1–7 cm long, ternately
compound (rarely a few simple leaves present), ovate to triangular in general
outline. Leaflets 1.0–6.5 cm long, ovate to obovate, spatulate, or narrowly
fan-shaped, narrowed or tapered at the base (sometimes cordate in simple
leaves), narrowed to sharply pointed tips, the margins coarsely and irregularly
toothed, sometimes also with 1 or 2 lobes toward the base, glabrous or both
surfaces very sparsely hairy. Inflorescences opposite the leaves or appearing terminal
on branches, appearing as compound umbels, mostly longer than the leaves,
flat-topped or somewhat dome-shaped, wider than long or slightly longer than
wide, usually with 3–5 umbellate branches, the flowers in small umbellate
clusters at the branch tips. Petals 4, free, 1.5–2.5 mm long, persistent and
spreading at flowering, greenish yellow. Stamens 4. Nectar disc noticeable
under magnification, cup shaped, fused to the ovary most of its length, the rim
free, more or less entire. Style short, persistent at fruiting. Fruits 5–8 mm
long, globose or obovoid, becoming shiny and black at maturity, sometimes with
sparse small warty dots. Seeds usually 1 per fruit, 4.5–5.0 mm long,
asymmetrically broadly obovoid, somewhat longitudinally angled along the inner
side, brown. June–July.
Uncommon in
southwestern Missouri (Florida to Arizona north to Missouri and Oklahoma;
Mexico, Central America, South America, Caribbean Islands). Tops and ledges of
dolomite bluffs.
Plants from the
northern portion of the overall range of C. trifoliata were once
separated as C. incisa by some authors (Steyermark, 1963; Brizicky,
1965), based on the presence of some simple leaves, more irregularly toothed
leaflet margins, and slightly larger fruits, but most authors now consider them
to represent merely a part of this variable species. In Missouri, the leaves of
marine vine usually are deciduous and the stems tend to die back during cold
winters, but farther south the leaves tend to be evergreen and the stems become
much longer and woodier. Although it has been found in very different locations
and habitats in the state, C. trifoliata possibly might be confused with
the introduced Parthenocissus tricuspidata. The latter species differs
in its branched tendrils with preformed adhesive discs at the tips, abundant
aerial roots where stems climb up or over substrates, usually simple, 3-lobed
leaves, and flowers with 5 petals and stamens.