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Glosario Ilustrado: Musgos
Fam. Gén. Musgos Andes Trop.
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!!Ditrichum Timm ex Hampe Search in The Plant ListSearch in Index Nominum Genericorum (ING)Search in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Flora 50: 181. 1867. (Flora) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/20/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 10/8/2017)
Plant Category : Mosses
General Reference :

Notes     (Last Modified On 10/8/2017)
Notes :

Ditrichum is stated to contain 80 species of mostly temperate and subtropical regions; about 10 species in the Neotropics. Ditrichum is typically found from mid to high open montane, páramo and puna in the tropical Andes; often in moist sites, on soil or rock, or rock in streams. In the tropical Andes five species are present: Ditrichum crinale (Taylor) Kuntze and D. difficile (Duby) M. Fleisch. are common in terrestrial habits, whereas D. bogotense (Hampe) Broth., D. gracile (Mitt.) Kuntze and D. submersum Cardot & Herzog are associated with aquatic habitats. A critical worldwide revision is warranted for this genus.
Se considera que Ditrichum contiene 80 especies generalmente de regiones templadas y subtropicales; ca. 10 especies en el Neotrópico. En los Andes tropicales están presentes por lo menos cinco especies. Ditrichum crinale (Taylor) Kuntze y D. difficile (Duby) M. Fleisch. son comunes en sitios secos, mientras D. bogotense (Hampe) Broth., D. gracile (Mitt.) Kuntze, D. submersum Cardot & Herzog son hábitats acuáticos.
Status Unknown:
Ditrichum capillare (Müll. Hal.) Paris, Index Bryol. Suppl. 131. 1900. Leptotrichum capillare Müll. Hal.,Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 4: 37. 1897. Type: Bolivia. Sin. loc. & leg. Possible type data: Cochabamba, prope Choquecamata, Germain.
Ditrichum levieri (Herzog) Hilp., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 50 (2): 691. 1933. Rhamphidium levieri Herzog, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 27(2): 350. 1910. Type: Bolivia. Auf Erde am Wegrand bei Incacorral (Prov. Cochabamba), ca. 2200 m, Januar 1908, Herzog.
Ditrichum strictum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Hampe, Flora 50: 182. 1867. Lophiodon strictum Hook.f. & Wilson,London J. Bot. 3: 544. 1844. Type: Antarctic Islands. Reported for Ecuador.
Ditrichum heteromallum (Hedw.) E. Britton has been reported from Colombia, Department of Cundinamarca (Robinson, 1967); confirmation of this species in the tropical Andes is required.
Published nomen nudum:
Ditrichum subflexuosum Paris, Index Bryol. 396. 1896, nom. nud. Recorded from Bolivia.


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Plants medium sized, forming loose to dense tufts, glossy or dull dark green to blackish- or yellowish-brown. Stems erect, often rather slender, few to several branched by innovations; central strand present. Leaves long subulate from an ovate or oblong base, limb channeled or flat, expanded base weakly to strongly sheathing, concave or convolute; margins smooth, tips often serrate; costae single, strong, excurrent, often filling acumen; upper laminal cells of expanded base mostly thick-walled, irregularly short rectangular or subquadrate distally; lower and basal cells long and narrowly rectangular. Dioicous or autoicous. Perichaetia terminal. Setae elongate and slender, smooth. Capsules suberect, urn cylindrical, slightly asymmetric, smooth or slightly furrowed; opercula short-rostrate; peristome single, teeth 16, usually divided to near base, coarsely papillose to spiculose. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth and naked, base entire. Spores spherical, smooth or nearly so.
Plantas medianas, formando manojos laxos hasta densos, de color verde brillante u opaco oscuro a negruzco- o pardo-amarillento. Tallos erectos, a menudo bastante delgados, poco a muy ramificados por innovaciones; cordón central presente. Hojas largo-subuladas desde una base ovada u oblonga, limbo acanalado o plano, bases expandidas débil a marcadamente envainadoras, cóncavas o convolutas; márgenes lisos, extremos a menudo serrados; costa simple, fuerte, excurrente, a menudo llenando el acumen; células superiores de la base expandida de la lámina generalmente con paredes gruesas, irregularmente corto-rectangulares o distalmente subcuadradas; células inferiores y basales largas y angostamente rectangulares. Dioicas o autoicas. Periquecios terminales. Setas alargadas, delgadas y lisas. Cápsulas suberectas, urna cilíndrica, escasamente asimétrica, lisa o escasamente acanalada; opérculo corto-rostrado; peristoma simple, 16 dientes, generalmente partidos hasta cerca de la base, gruesamente papilosos a espiculados. Caliptra cuculada, lisa y desnuda, base entera. Esporas esféricas, lisas o casi lisas.

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1. Lamina sheath cells of distal 1/2-1/3 mostly isodiametric, many 1-3: 1 … D. gracile

1. Lamina sheath cells of distal half mostly elongate, 4-8: 1 (marginal cells often subquadrate) … 2.

2. Lamina cells of sheathing base very thick-walled, often obscure, particularly distal margins … D. submersum

2. Laminal cells of sheathing base somewhat thin to moderately thick-walled, distinct … 3.

3. Juxtacostal cells of lower sheathing base distinctly porose … D. bogotense

3. Juxtacostal cells of lower sheathing base entire, rarely weakly porose … 4.

4. Leaves long sheathing, nearly convolute about stem, erect to loosely erect … D. crinale

4. Leaves sheathing near base, flexuose or falcate above … 5.

5. Leaves yellowish-brown, at least some falcate; plants rather coarse; rare … D. heteromallum

5. Leaves glossy green, flexuose and loosely erect-spreading; plants soft; common … D. difficile



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