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Ectropothecium Mitt. Search in The Plant ListSearch in Index Nominum Genericorum (ING)Search in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany 10: 180. 1868. (J. Linn. Soc., Bot.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 4/2/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 4/2/2009)
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Notes     (Last Modified On 4/2/2009)
general taxon notes:
Ectropothecium is very close to Hypnum, but differs from the latter by the absence of a group of colored alar cells. It is characterized by having one or a few inflated, hyaline alar cells, more elongate, slender setae, and very small, ovoid capsules that are horizontal to inclined and strongly constricted below the mouth when dry. There are some 200 species of Ectropothecium reported from the world, mostly occurring in tropical and subtropical regions. Seventeen species were recorded from China (Redfearn et al. 1996). Ectropothecium kerstanii Dix. & Herz. from Yunnan and E. kweichowense Bartr. from Guizhou cannot be verified. Several of them from Taiwan cannot be confirmed neither, i.e., E. intorquatum (Dozy & Molk.) Jaeg., E. leptotapes (Card.) Sak., E. monumentorum (Duby) Jaeg., E. moritzii Jaeg., E. perminutum Broth. ex Bartr.,and E. yasudae Broth. Nine species are treated here.


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6. Ectropothecium Mitt.   偏蒴藓属   pian shuo xian shu
J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 10: 180. 1868. Hypnum sect. Ectropothecium (Mitt.) Ångstr., Öfvers. Förh. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. 30(5): 125. 1873.
Plants slender to rather robust, yellowish green or brownish green, glossy or not glossy. Stems prostrate, sometimes pendulous, ascending or erect when in dense mats, radiculose, simple or pinnately branched, branches ascending, usually complanate; paraphyllia absent, pseudoparaphyllia filamentous or lanceolate to foliose. Stem leaves and branch leaves heteromorphic, or more or less similar, ovate- or obovate-lanceolate, somewhat asymmetric, often falcate-secund, not decurrent at base, usually dorsal, ventral, and lateral leaves differentiated; costae double, short, very weak, or distinct; leaf cells linear, sometimes distinctly prorate; basal cells shorter and broader; alar cells few, small, quadrate or shortly rectangular, usually not particularly inflated, but with one or two cells clearly distinct. Autoicous or dioicous. Inner perichaetial leaves broadly lanceolate, gradually acuminate or suddenly narrowed to a slender acumen. Setae elongate; capsules horizontal to inclined, small to very small, ovoid to urceolate or shortly cylindrical, often constricted below the mouth when dry; exothecial cells sometimes mammillose; opercula inflated, conic, apiculate to shortly rostrate; annuli differentiated; peristome double; exostome teeth narrowly lanceolate, not bordered, cross-striate on the outer surface, trabeculate on the inner surface; endostome segments linear-lanceolate, with a high basal membrane and 2–4 cilia. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth, sometimes hairy. Spores small, usually smooth.

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1. Plants not glossy; irregularly to irregularly pinnately branched; stem and branch leaves homomorphous, branch leaves complanate, slightly asymmetric and falcate-secund toward one side; leaf cells rhomboidal to elongate; alar cells of stem leaves inconspicuously differentiated; setae 1–2 cm long............................. 2
1. Plants somewhat glossy; conspicuously pinnately branched; stem and branch leaves heteromorphic; dorsal and lateral branch leaves often differentiated, bilateral arranged, falcate-secund; leaf cells linear; alar cells of stem leaves conspicuously differentiated; setae usually more than 2 cm long, sometimes shorter......... 5
2. Stem leaves complanate; leaf apices obtuse to rounded obtuse.......................................... 5. E. obtusulum
2. Stem leaves erect-spreading, incurved; leaf apices acuminate.....................................................3
3. Plants slender, irregularly branched; leaf cells elongate-rhomboidal, smooth........................ 3. E. dealbatum
3. Plants somewhat robust to robust, pinnately or irregularly pinnately branched; leaf cells linear, smooth or strongly prorate at upper ends...................................................................................................4
4. Plants densely pinnately branched; stem leaves broadly oblong-ovate, symmetric acuminate at apex; costae extending to 1/3 the leaf length; leaf cells smooth; alar cells few, small.......... 8. E. wangianum
4. Plants irregularly pinnately branched; stem leaves ovate-lanceolate, asymmetric, acute at apex; costae extending 1/5–1/4 the leaf length; leaf cells often papillose at upper ends, sometimes smooth; alar cells larger, 2–8 cells............................................................................................................. 9. E. zollingeri
5. Plants mostly larger, robust; setae more than 2 cm long............................................................6
5. Plants small, slender; setae less than 2 cm long........................................................................7
6. Stem leaves cordate at base, long acuminate at apex, slightly decurrent at base; upper leaf margins weakly denticulate; leaf cells linear, smooth or slightly prorate; branch leaves ovate, shortly acuminate; setae ca. 5 cm long............................................................................................................. 7. E. penzigianum
6. Stem leaves ovate-lanceolate, shortly acuminate at apex, not decurrent; leaf margins finely serrulate to sharply dentate; leaf cells elongate-rhomboidal to linear, smooth; branch leaves similar in shape, smaller in size; setae 2.5–3.5 cm long............................................................................... 2. E. buitenzorgii
7. Plants pinnately branched; leaves lanceolate, not complanate, falcate-secund when dry; leaf apices acuminate; leaf cells papillose at upper ends; alar cells inflated, hyaline, not colored........ 6. E. ohosimense
7. Plants irregularly pinnately branched; leaves ovate-lanceolate to oblong-ovate, complanate or somewhat falcate-secund; leaf cells smooth; alar cells small................................................................8
8. Leaves oblong-ovate, leaf apices round obtuse to apiculate; leaf margins bluntly denticulate above; costae very short or absent...................................................................................................... 1. E. aneitense
8. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, leaf apices shortly acuminate; leaf margins serrulate above; costae extending to 1/4–1/3 the leaf length........................................................................................................ 4. E. nervosum
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