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Published In: The Bryologist 53(2): 145. 1950. (Bryologist) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/7/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project data     (Last Modified On 3/7/2011)

Groutiella can usually be distinguished from Macromitrium by the combination of leaves with short, smooth inner basal leaf cells and a basal leaf limbidium of elongate cells. There are, however, Groutiella species with mammillose basal leaf cells, at least two species (G. tuberculata,  G. tomentosa) with tuberculate basal leaf cells, and one species (G. reesei) with a basal border of short-rectangular cells. Macromitrium in turn is an unwieldy genus which presently accommodates species with short, smooth basal leaf cells, and others with a well-developed upper leaf limbidium of elongate cells. However, Groutiella has a distinct basal leaf cell areolation that unites the genus and is not seen in Macromitrium: the basal marginal cells are enlarged and thin-walled, interior to these the cells are long, narrow, thick-walled, and juxtacostally the cells are round, very thick-walled. The presence of enlarged basal teeth at the leaf insertions in some species of Groutiella appears to link the genus to Macromitrium through its guatemalense-group. Groutiella can be divided into two groups based on capsule shape: the apiculata-group has oblong‑cylindrical capsules (G. apiculata, G. chimborazensis, G. husnotii, G. maracaibensis, G. reesei, G. tomentosa, G. tuberculata); the mucronifolia-group has obovate capsules (G. mucronifolia, G. obtusa, G. tumidula).


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Groutiella Steere in Crum & Steere, Bryologist 53: 145. 1950.

Craspedophyllum Grout, N. Amer. Fl. 15A: 38. 1946, hom. illeg. non Copeland, 1938.

Micromitrium Schimp. ex Besch., Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 16: 190. 1872, hom. illeg. non Aust., 1870.

Plants slender to medium-sized, in dark-green, yellow‑green, reddish green, reddish brown to olive‑brown, tomentose mats or cushions. Primary stems creeping, secondary stems erect‑ascending, irregularly branched. Leaves contorted, spirally twisted, crisped or rugose when dry, erect‑spreading to wide‑spreading when wet, keeled, linear‑lanceolate, lanceolate, oblong‑ to ovate‑lanceolate or lingulate; apices obtuse, acute, acuminate, mucronate, sometimes with fragile tips; margins entire above, entire to serrulate at base, bordered at base by several rows of narrow, elongate cells from ¼ to _ the leaf length (rarely bordered by short-rectangular cells); costa strong, ending below the apex, percurrent, or excurrent; cells incrassate, upper cells rounded‑hexagonal smooth to mammillose, basal cells rounded‑rectangular, smooth or rarely with a few tubercula, those near the costa somewhat enlarged and thin‑walled, at times with enlarged basal teeth at leaf insertion. Dioicous. Setae smooth, 1.5–15 mm long. Capsules 1–4 mm, oblong‑cylindrical or obovoid, smooth or furrowed; stomata superficial; opercula rostrate; peristome rudimentary, consisting of a low, papillose membrane. Spores isosporous or anisosporous. Calyptra mitrate‑campanulate, laciniate or plicate, naked or sparsely hairy.


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