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Published In: Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum 505. 1860. (Syn. Musc. Eur.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/27/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 3/27/2009)
General Reference:

Notes     (Last Modified On 3/27/2009)
general taxon notes:
There are only two species remaining in the genus Habrodon, H. kashmiriensis Vohra and H. perpusillus (De Not.) Lindb. Only the latter species is reported from China.


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3. Habrodon Schimp. 柔齿藓属 rou-chi xian shu
Syn. Musc. Eur. 505. 1860.
Plants slender, not glossy, in small interwoven patches. Stems creeping, elongate, ascending above, irregularly branched; branches short and erect; rhizoids sparse; central strand not differentiated. Leaves imbricate when dry, erecto-patent when moist, slightly reflexed, ovate, concave, suddenly acute or acuminate to a short apex; leaf margins straight, entire or serrulate; costa absent; leaf cells oblong-oval, rhomboidal or narrowly oblong-elliptic, basal cells broader; alar cells flat quadrate in several rows. Gemmae unicellular, oblong-ovoid. Dioicous. Inner perichaetial leaves erect, not sheathing at base, narrowly acuminate toward the apex, margins dentate, cells linear. Setae slender, yellowish brown or purple red, twisted when dry; capsules erect, symmetrical, oblong-ovoid, not constricted at mouth, hypophysis short; exothecial cells thin-walled, longitudinally plicate; annuli large, in 3–4 rows of cells, rarely one row of cells, deciduous when mature; peristome appearing single; endostome teeth absent; exostome teeth lanceolate, deeply inserted in the mouth, not connected to each other, lamellae conspicuous, keeled, highly lamellate, not papillose, striate at base; opercula conic, with a short straight beak. Calyptrae erect, cucullate.
Spores not seen.

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Only one species is known in China.

1. Habrodon perpusillus(De Not.) Lindb. 

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