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  • Dolichotheca Lindb.
    • Reference article Allen, B. H. 2018. Moss flora of Central America. Part 4. Fabroniaceae–Polytrichaceae. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 132: i–x, 1–830.
    • Reference article Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. P. G. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith. 1981 [1982]. Mosses of Europe and the Azores: an annotated list of species, with synonyms from the recent literature. J. Bryol. 11: 609–689.
    • Reference article Crosby, M. R. & R. E. Magill. 1981. Dict. Mosses (ed. 3) 43 pp. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
    • Reference article Iwatsuki, Z. 1970. A revision of Plagiothecium and its related genera from Japan and her adjacent areas, I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 331–380.
  • Isopterygium sect. Dolichotheca Lindb.
    • Reference article Allen, B. H. 2018. Moss flora of Central America. Part 4. Fabroniaceae–Polytrichaceae. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 132: i–x, 1–830.
    • Reference article Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2014. Bryophyta, part 2. 28: i–xxii, 1–702. In Fl. N. Amer.. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Sharpiella Z. Iwats.
    • Reference article Allen, B. H. 2018. Moss flora of Central America. Part 4. Fabroniaceae–Polytrichaceae. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 132: i–x, 1–830.
    • Reference article Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. P. G. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith. 1981 [1982]. Mosses of Europe and the Azores: an annotated list of species, with synonyms from the recent literature. J. Bryol. 11: 609–689.
    • Reference article Crosby, M. R. & R. E. Magill. 1981. Dict. Mosses (ed. 3) 43 pp. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
    • Reference article Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2014. Bryophyta, part 2. 28: i–xxii, 1–702. In Fl. N. Amer.. Oxford University Press, New York.
    • Reference article Iwatsuki, Z. 1970. A revision of Plagiothecium and its related genera from Japan and her adjacent areas, I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 331–380.
    • Reference article Redfearn Jr., P. L. & P.-C. Wu. 1986. Catalog of the mosses of China. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 73: 177–208. View in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library
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